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BSc MCom PGDipTertT PhD(Otago)Virginia_Cathro_image
Senior Lecturer

Room: OBS 712
Tel +64 3 479 8052

Virginia holds a BCom(Hons) Otago in management, a BSc in microbiology, MCom Management with a focus on conflict resolution, a PGDipTertT (Otago) exploring critical reflection and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Otago. Her PhD is titled A comparative examination of virtual and intercultural competence in the context of global virtual teams’.

Teaching responsibilities

Virginia's teaching responsibilities include:

  • MANT 217 International Management
  • MANT 222 Interpersonal/International Business Communication
  • MANT 342 Global Business Strategy
  • MANT 471 International Business Strategy

Research interests

Virginia's research encompasses a variety of interests that utilise a cross-disciplinary lens through which to view behaviour; with a particular emphasis on individuals engaging as managers and leaders. Virginia researches and teaches in international business, business communication, management functions and international management. Her research interests are in global virtual teams and the interface of people and technology within organisations. This encompasses practices of conflict resolution, mediation, negotiation and facilitation, and the challenges faced by managers when making complex decisions. She is interested in the internationalisation of services and in the contrasting global strategies of small and medium enterprises and multinational enterprises. Within this research nexus sustainability issues, product stewardship, transitioning to circular economies and the future of work also catch her interest. She aligns her research and teaching via a lens of graduate readiness and teaching management concepts that are relevant. She tends to see herself as a pragmatist and is comfortable embracing a critical mindset to bring about productive change.

Virginia's work has been published in a number of leading journals, including:

  • International Journal of Human Resource Management
  • Computers in Human Behaviour
  • Education & Training
  • Journal of Teaching International Business
  • Cross Cultural and Strategic Management
  • Emergence Complexity and Organisation
  • Journal of Management and Organisation
  • Review of International Business Strategy

Current supervision

Virginia is currently taking on students who are wanting to research in areas that are aligned to her research interests. Her ongoing research interests include:

  • Workplace Communication, Group Processes & Team Facilitation, Cross Cultural Teams
  • Intercultural Communication, Global Virtual Team, Multicultural Virtual Teams
  • Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Intercultural Negotiation, Changing Nature of Work
  • Internationalization strategies, internationalization of service
  • Leadership and communication, e.g., sustainability leadership, governance boards social enterprises and sporting organisations as well as multinational enterprises

Current PhD/DBA doctoral supervision

Gustavo Vanegas Fernandez (2023-) Balancing hard and soft skills training in Business Schools using simulation-based methodologies. An approach from the University of Otago

Completed PhD/DBA doctoral supervision

Mohammad Badi’ al Haj Eid (2023) ‘Towards a Sustainable Circular Economy: Achieving a Balance through the Social Dimension’ supervision Virginia Cathro & Matthew Parackal

Recent past ‘other’ supervision

Masters of International Business, Business & Entrepreneurship and BCom (honours) Dissertations:

Booth, Callum (2022) The Virtual Workplace Post COVID19, Supervision: Virginia Cathro

Newton, Jeremy (2022) How Has the Absence of Face-to-Face Networking Impacted New Zealand Food and Beverage SME Internationalization During Covid-19? Supervision: Virginia Cathro

Liu, Jack (2021) Future Role of Foreign Critical Healthcare Companies in Chinese Telemedicine Market? Supervision: Virginia Cathro

Chen, Jian (Mark) (2020) An examination of Knowledge Management barriers for MNCs in China. Supervision: Virginia Cathro

Tanaga, Michelle (2020) Laook – Online Delivery Meal Kit. Supervision: Virginia Cathro

Other responsibilities

Virginia’s other university related responsibilities include:

  • Director of International Business – Undergraduate
  • Divisional Board Representative Otago Business School
  • Board of Studies Global Studies
  • Teaching and Learning committee member
  • Academy of International Business Oceania – Treasurer 2022/23


Al Haj Eid, M., Dandis, A. O., Cathro, V., & Parackal, M. (2024). Exploring public voice on social media: Twitter users' views on the circular economy. Sustainable Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/sd.3028 Journal - Research Article

El-Kassar, A.-N., Makki, D., Gonzalez-Perez, M. A., & Cathro, V. (2023). Doing well by doing good: Why is investing in university social responsibility a good business for higher education institutions cross culturally? Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 30(1), 142-165. doi: 10.1108/CCSM-12-2021-0233 Journal - Research Article

Cathro, V. I. (2021). A comparative examination of virtual and intercultural competence in the context of global virtual teams (PhD). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Retrieved from Awarded Doctoral Degree

Cathro, V. (2020). An odyssey of virtual global team activity in the experiential learning environment of the Global Enterprise Experience (GEE). Computers in Human Behavior, 107, 105760. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.10.026 Journal - Research Article

Cathro, V. (2018, June). Student engagement within the offering of a degree program of international business: Do efforts to creating a connected cohort impact upon student satisfaction, engagement and success? Verbal presentation at the SERGE Symposium 2018, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

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