Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua.
Ko te Huka Mātauraka ka noho hei kāinga rua mō ngā tauira Māori katoa ka tau mai ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka.
Mai i te purapura o te hiahia kia haere mai koe, tae noa ki te hui whakapūmau me ngā mahi ka whai ake, ko Te Huka Mātauraka tērā ka poipoi, ka ārahi, ka āwhina i ngā tauira Māori katoa.
All year, every year, Te Huka Mātauraka offers a home away from home for our tauira Māori.
Te Huka Mātauraka is the heart of Māori life on campus, providing services, support, motivation and encouragement. We are an iwi-diverse whānau packed with mātua and whāea who are dedicated to serving our tauira and ensuring they have access to a welcoming place throughout their academic hikoi.
Our services range from academic and tutorial expertise, tuakana teina support, and Year 13 to first-year support through to clinical and therapeutic care when challenges require more than encouragement and awhi.
Kaimahi | Staff
Michelle Taiaroa-McDonald
Kāi Tahu
Tumuaki | Manager
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email michelle.taiaroa@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 3 479 5762
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Alley Laird
Kaituitui Mātauraka | Academic Co-ordinator
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email alley.laird@otago.ac.nz
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Martha Dewey
Kaituitui Matauraka Tuarua | Assistant Programme Co-ordinator
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email martha.dewey@otago.ac.nz
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Tama Walker
Ngāti Porou
Kaitakawaeka | Community Liaison Officer
Our Kaitakawaeka Māori may be your first contact with us. Schools should contact Tama direct to request a school visit. Tama can also provide information regarding the following programmes Hands on Otago, On Campus Experience and Mana Pounamu awards.
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email tama.walker@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 3 479 8505
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Jeremy Wara
Waikato, Te Arawa
Kaituitui | Co-ordinator
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email jeremy.wara@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 3 479 4169
Mob +64 21 279 4169
Reception +64 3 479 8490
TeAriki (Terry) Monga
Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Whātua-o-Ōrākei, Rarotonga
Kai Honohono | Hauora Connector
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email terry.monga@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 21 279 0191
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Shae MacMillan
Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Apa
Kaiwhakahaere tari | Administrator
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email shae.macmillan@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 3 556 5791
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Jenny Miller
Te Ātiawa
Kaitohutohu | Registered Counsellor
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email jenny.miller@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 3 479 8283
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Amber Kalinowski
Kāi Tahu, Taranaki
Kaitohutohu | Registered Counsellor
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email amber.kalinowski@otago.ac.nz
Tel +64 3 479 8300
Reception +64 3 479 8490
Reverend Te Ata Roy
Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi
Te Minita Māori | Māori Chaplain
Reverend Te Ata Roy will be available at Te Huka Mātauraka on Mondays.
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email maori.chaplain@otago.ac.nz
Visit the Otago Tertiary Chaplains website for more information
Krystle van der Salm
Ngati Ranginui, Ngaiterangi, Ngati Pukenga, Nga Potiki
Kaituitui | Colleges Programme Co-ordinator
Krystle van der Salm will be available at Te Huka Mātauraka on Thursdays.
Address: 519 Castle Street North
Email krystle.vandersalm@otago.ac.nz
Visit the Otago Tertiary Chaplains website for more information
Tauira | Students
Kiringāua and Ella would like to welcome you to Te Huka Mātauraka Māori Centre.
Kiringāua Cassidy
Ngāi Tahu, Ngāpuhi, Te Atiawa (Taranaki), Ngāi Takoto
Bachelor of Arts, Major in History
Ella McDonald
Kāi Tahu, Kati Mamoe, Waitaha
Bachelor of Arts, Major in Māori Studies, Minor in History
Hītori | History
Nō te tau 1988/89 ka hua mai ko Te Huka Mātauraka i runga i ngā whakapae o tētahi rīpoata me ngā puna pūtea ka tukuna e te kāwana. Nā ngā kaimahi Māori, ngā tauira Māori, Te Amorangi o te Kete Aronui me ngā kaimahi o te Tari Rēhita tēnei whakaaro nui i whakatinanatia.
The University of Otago Māori Centre was initiated in 1988/89 as a direct result of the Watts Report and equity funding released by government. Māori staff, students, AVC Humanities and the Registrar at that time created this development. It was from these groups that the Māori Centre was developed, with senior management also contributing to the decision. Firstly as a support mechanism for Māori students that had to be easily identifiable and a place where outside interest (Māori community) could meet the University.