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Kā Rikarika ō Tāne – Hands of Tāne

Whanaungatanga – Manākitanga – Ako – Rangatiratanga

Kā Rikarika ō Tāne enhances educational and social outcomes for Tauira Māori and aims to reduce the stress involved when transitioning to University.

Hundreds of Tauira Māori and University staff members have contributed to the growth of the programme. We now over 150 Tauira Māori participating in the programme each year.

A first-year student (Teina) is matched with a senior student (Tuakana) at the start of semester one. They navigate the year together with the Tuakana providing support and guidance to their Teina.

Additionally, the programme uses a Whānau concept where clusters of Tuakana/Teina pairs are grouped together to form Whānau. This improves the overall support networks for TeinaWhānau Leaders (Mātāmua) and senior members (Ahi Ka) to grow and get leadership experience within the programme.

Tāne and the Baskets of Knowledge

The programme is underpinned by the story of Tane and the Baskets (Kete) of Knowledge. Tane was bestowed the honour of retrieving the Kete from the highest heaven Te Toi-o-nga-rangi for mankind. As Tane ascended the 12 heavens, he was faced with many challenges which could have rendered him unable to complete the task. Fortunately, he had support from some of his brothers and companions and he was able to complete the task. As Tane needed support, so do our Tauira who are on their journey to achieve success. Kā Rikarika ō Tāne provides the companionship sometimes required to complete a task

It is really important to note that mentor pairs must meet at least 3 times during the first Semester.

Group photo of Kā Rikarika ō Tāne mentoring participants

2024 end of year dinner celebrations

8 students holding up their hands of Tane sweatshirts

Tauira with their Kā Rikarika o Tāne merchandise

Kaimahi | Staff for the mentoring programme

If you want to know more about the mentoring programme call in to Te Huka Mātauraka | The Māori Centre and have a chat with Jeremy.

Jeremy Wara headshot Nov 2022Jeremy Wara

Kaituitui o Kā Rikarika o Tāne| Co-ordinator Mentoring Programme

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