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There are a number of outreach programmes and events available to support your journey from secondary school to university, including opportunities to travel to Dunedin and experience life at Otago.

Science Wānanga

Science Wānanga is a three-day, hands-on experience for Māori secondary students. Staying on a marae with university students, scientists and kaumatua, you will get to carry out real science in your local community.

Wānanga encourages us to explore the connections between science, matauranga Māori and our lives, especially the links between human health and environmental health.

Find out more information about Science Wānanga

Hands-On at Otago

Hands-On is a week-long summer camp held at Otago during the school holidays in January. We offer Poutama scholarships nationwide for students of Māori descent entering Year 12 or 13 to participate in the Hands-On at Otago programme. The scholarship covers all costs, including travel to and from Dunedin, for a fun week developing your knowledge, skills and passion for tertiary study.

Find out more information about Hands-On at Otago

REACH Otago Scholarship

The REACH Otago Scholarship (Realising Educational Aspirations for Careers in Health) gives selected Year 13 Māori students from across New Zealand the opportunity to experience university life first-hand.

You'll spend three days on campus: living in residential colleges, attending lectures, meeting current students and learning about the various health sciences degrees and major study options Otago offers.

Applications open 1 May and close 20 June each year.

Find out more about the REACH Otago Scholarship

On-Campus Experience ( OCE )

The OCE is a fully funded scholarship that provides an amazing opportunity for senior secondary students of Māori descent to sample living and learning at Otago. The OCE is held in May each year . You will attend lectures in your areas of interest, meet academic staff and students, experience life in a residential college, and visit the Māori Centre. If you are currently in your final year of study at a New Zealand secondary school, are of Māori descent and have acquired NCEA Level 2 with merit endorsement (or an equivalent for CIE and IB students), consider applying for the OCE .

Find out more information about the On-Campus Experience

Kei a Tātou Te Ihi ( KATTI )

KATTI is a programme aimed at helping Māori secondary school students in Years 10–13 from the wider Auckland region think about opportunities and view themselves in the tertiary sector. It is delivered by Māori Liaison Officers from several tertiary institutions, including Otago.

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