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Your tamariki will not be alone when they come to Otago. There are already more than 2,500 tauira Māori enrolled here, representing almost every iwi, and making their contribution to the safe whānau environment on campus.

Kia Ita: Preparation programme for Māori students

Kia Ita is a free programme of lectures, workshops and social activities for Māori students who are about to begin their first year of study. It is all about whakawhanaukataka and providing our tauira with the tautoko and awhi to make the transition to university less daunting and easier to navigate. It will also help you form long-lasting friendships and bonds with the whānau of Te Huka Mātauraka.

When and where?

Two weeks of distance learning starting early January, followed by four weeks on campus with free accommodation.

Find out more information about the Kia Ita programme

Tūraka Hou | Māori Orientation

As one of the most significant programmes on campus, Tūraka Hou | Māori orientation assists with the transition from whānau to university, providing a strong foundation for tauira Māori to settle into their first and second years of study. Tūraka Hou focuses on making sure you're aware of the support and resources available and how to activate them when needed.

The programme begins with a pōwhiri where you will have the opportunity to meet other tauira. The University employs a number of mana whenua staff from the surrounding rūnaka, including the current manager of the Māori Centre, who can help you develop relationships with the local Māori communities.

Above all, you will meet other tauira Māori and develop a sense of whakawhanaukataka – you belong to a community, and you are not alone.

For more information or specific dates and times for Māori Orientation, please contact Te Huka Mātauraka or contact the coordinator directly.

Contact details

Jeremy Wara
Kaituitui | Coordinator
515 Castle Street North, room G03
Tel +64 3 479 4169
Mob +64 21 279 4169

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