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Recruitment for phase one of the March 15 Project has now closed.

This project will help us understand the impact the March 15 terrorist attacks have had on the Christchurch Muslim community.

We hope to examine the impacts of the mosque attacks on those people most directly affected, even those who feel they have coped well.

This includes:

  • Those present or nearby one of the mosques
  • Close family members of one of the shuhada or injured
  • Other members of the Christchurch Muslim community who were in Christchurch during or immediately following the attack, and who are currently living in Canterbury.

If any areas are identified where other support may be needed, possible referral options will be discussed.

We anticipate this will be the first stage of a long-term project exploring how people are coping over time. Interviews for this stage will continue until the end of 2021.

The high visibility and interest in this project will help to focus attention on some of the difficulties the Muslim community may face. It will also showcase the positive aspects of the response, for which the local Muslim community and New Zealand have been praised.

The knowledge gained by the research will help to build a resource for culturally-competent health practices.

We also hope the research can be used to help in the planning and recovery process in the event of similar situations in New Zealand or overseas.

About the project
How to participate
Research team
Frequently asked questions
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