Our 2021 Marine Science postgraduate students created informative posters about their research, which are collected below in PDF format.
Something seems fishy about oil (PDF)
Campbell Pearson
Variability in connectivity and importance of nursery habitats for flounder species in Otago, New Zealand (PDF)
Tim Currie
Will New Zealand kelp-associated invertebrates survive in a warmer Antarctica? (PDF)
Frances Perry
Troubled waters: Environmental change and Watersipora subtorquata (PDF)
Tyler Feary
How do multiple human stressors impact amphipod ecology? (PDF)
Saskia Foreman
Flexing my mussels: An analysis of how upstream land use affects mussel feeding rates, growth and mortality (PDF)
Katie Fenton
Antarctic biodiversity survey using eDNA from sea sponge (PDF)
Colleen Lumnah
Does more sediment mean fewer kelp animals? (PDF)
Veronica Rodriguez-Jurado