The University of Otago offers a world-class education in marine science
The Department of Marine Science was established in 1992, but we have a long history of marine research and teaching at Otago.
We are a multidisciplinary department with research strengths in both biological and physical marine sciences.
We offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees focusing on pure and applied marine science, and aquaculture.
Conducting marine research
We have dedicated residential research facilities in Otago Harbour, Stewart Island, and Fiordland. Our marine lab offers technical expertise, running seawater, and marine biological facilities for ecology, histology, sedimentology, microscopy, physiology, and biochemistry. Our field programme is supported by a range of equipment including CTDs, ADCP, cameras, ROV, and probes. We operate a fleet of vessels ranging from tiny runabouts for crossing the Harbour to the 21-m RV Polaris II, capable of visiting subantarctic islands.
Providing learning resources for high school students and teachers
The New Zealand Marine Studies Centre offers a range of marine education programmes, from two hours to several days in duration, linked to the NZ Curriculum. They also provide learning resources and teacher guides to support these activities.
Visit the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre website for more details
Otago Marine Science staff appear in videos explaining their science for the benefit of teachers and students on the Science Learning Hub.
Visit the Science Learning Hub to view our videos
Portobello Marine Laboratory Facilities.