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Gert-Jan Jeunen image (2023)Contact details

Office 310 Castle Street, room 153

Academic qualifications

  • BSc Hasselt University (Belgium)
  • MSc Ghent University (Belgium); Université de Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC; France); Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)
  • PhD Otago University

Research interests

  • Environmental DNA metabarcoding
  • Historical and ancient DNA

Postgraduate students

  • Joseph Muldoon, MSc: Investigating the effects of historical spatial distributions of fish in the Indo-Pacific through eDNA obtained from museum-stored sponges
  • Ella Dewar, MSc: Genomic and transcriptomic analysis of New Zealand's freshwater Porifera
  • Taylor Allan, MSc: Uncovering nitrogen cycling processes in estuaries through eDNA metabarcoding
  • Jonika Edgecombe, PhD: Early detection of marine NIS through a novel molecular toolbox
  • Michelle Liddy, PhD: Marine sponges as natural eDNA accumulators
  • Ryan Easton, PhD: Investigating the impact of barriers on New Zealand's freshwater fish through electrofishing and eDNA analysis
  • Benjamin Duran-Vinet, PhD: CRISPR-Cas-based biomonitoring for marine environments


Seymour, M., Guibert, I., Jeunen, G.-J., Hellström, M., Leray, M., Elbrect, V., … Moffitt, J., … Zhao, M. (2024). The First International eDNA Workshop in Hong Kong: A beginner's guide for the next-generation eDNA researcher. Environmental DNA, 6, e552. doi: 10.1002/edn3.552 Journal - Research Other

Urban, L., Miller, A. K., Eason, D., Vercoe, D., Shaffer, M., Wilkinson, S. P., Jeunen, G.-J., Gemmell, N. J., & Digby, A. (2023). Non-invasive real-time genomic monitoring of the critically endangered kākāpō. eLIFE, 12, RP84553. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84553 Journal - Research Article

Jeunen, G.-J., Lamare, M., Cummings, V., Treece, J., Ferreira, S., Massuger, J., … Gemmell, N. (2023). Unveiling the hidden diversity of marine eukaryotes in the Ross Sea: A comparative analysis of seawater and sponge eDNA surveys. Environmental DNA. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/edn3.500 Journal - Research Article

Durán-Vinet, B., Jeunen, G.-J., Stanton, J.-A. L., Zaiko, A., Pochon, X., & Gemmell, N. (2023). CORSAIR-Dx: A CRISPR-Cas13a-based approach for environmental DNA biomonitoring of invasive species from water. Proceedings of the Genetics Otago (GO) Annual Symposium & Workshops. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Jeunen, G.-J., Lamare, M., Devine, J., Mariani, S., Mills, S., Treece, J., Ferreira, S., & Gemmell, N. J. (2023). Characterizing Antarctic fish assemblages using eDNA obtained from marine sponge bycatch specimens. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s11160-023-09805-3 Journal - Research Article

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