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Master of Science

Cameron, Tania March 1997 Aspects of growth and condition in Austrovenus stutchburyi (Finlay, 1927) (Bivalvia: Veneridae) at Waitati Inlet: Influence of shore height and distance from the Mouth
Capone, Kimberley March 2008 Habitat use and nursery potential of seagrass and bare sand habitats for three species of flatfish in New Zealand
Chakeir, Michael July 1997 Parametric Estimation of Electroreceptive Primary Afferents in the New Zealand Carpet Shark Cephaloscyllium isabella
Channon, Tracey May 2010 Archival tagging and feeding of the New Zealand sea star, Coscinasterias muricata (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), in Doubtful Sound
Chin, Jennifer 2018 Responses to climate change of the sea urchin (Pseudechinus sp.) and sea star (Odontaster validus) through hybridisation, local adaptations and transgenerational plasticity
Clark, Dana February 2009 Response of sea urchin pluteus larvae (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) to reduced seawater pH: a comparison among tropical, temperate and polar species
Clark, Kim April 2005 Physical factors influencing macroalgal community structure and productivity in Doubtful Sound, Fiordland
Clarke, Murray June 2002 The effect of salinity on distribution, reproduction and feeding of the starfish Coscinasterias muricata (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in a rocky subtidal community of a New Zealand fiord
Clere, Isabella December 2021 Quantifying natural levels of plastic pollution in commercially important fish in Otago
Corne, Chloe 2024 Spatiotemporal distribution and habitat use of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Fiordland
Crabb, Peter March 1993 Reproduction in greenbone, odax pullus (Teleostei, Odacidae)
Cumming, Sarah August 2010 Larval rearing and reseeding of the New Zealand sea urchin, Evechinus chloroticus

Doctorate of Philosophy

Carbines, Glen January 2004 Age, growth, movement and reproductive biology of blue cod (Parapercis colias-Pinguipedidae): Implications for fisheries management in the South Island of New Zealand
Chand, Namrata December 2024 Ecosystem functioning and role of soft sediment macroalgal communities
Childerhouse, Simon   Population biology of New Zealand Phocarctos hookerii
Clement, Deanna Marie August 2005 Distribution of Hector's Dolphin (Cephalorhynchus hectori) in Relation to Oceanographic Features
Cohen, Claire (née Biggs) September 2012 Shallow-water plane and tidal jets
Cubillos Monrás, Victor April 2012 Temporal variation of UV-B: photo-protection and photo-damage in intertidal organisms from the New Zealand coast
Currey, Rohan October 2008 Conservation biology of bottlenose dolphins in Fiordland, New Zealand
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