Master of Science
Davenport, Connor
August 2021
Effects of bathymetry, wave environment and sea level on rip current dynamics in a wave resolving model
Davis, Virginia Christine
December 2017
Moving to the Southern Hemisphere : life-cycle and substratum preferences of the adventive bryozoan Bugulina flabellata (Bryozoa:Cheilostomata) on southern New Zealand
Davis, Jean Pepper
December 2010
Niche partitioning in the Fiordland wrasse guild
Davidson, Anthony
October 2015
Population dynamics of the New Zealand southern right whale (Eubalaena australis)
Davoren, Blair
April 2002
The effects of food particle size and shape, stability and biochemical composition on the growth performance of juvenile black-foot abalone, Haliotis iris
Dean, Paul
March 1998
The nutrient and photosynthetic eco-physiology of Undaria pinnatifida, with applications to aquaculture
Delpachitra, Aneesa
| December 2024
| Assessing the interactive impacts of crude oil and microplastics on juvenile coral reef fish (Pomacentrus amboinensis)
Dickie, Gail
July 1999
Population dynamics of New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) and New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri)
Dickson, Ian
June 2006
Investigating the diet of New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri) using stable isotopes
Dickson, Toby
Aerial photogrammetry and a size structure analysis of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) at Kaikoura, New Zealand
Donald, Sarah
January 2001
Mineralogy and Experimental Taphonomy of Otago Shelf Molluscs
Donlon, Erica
Growth, development, and aging methods of the midget octopus, Octopus huttoni
Douglas, Lesley
May 2000
Click Counting: an Acoustic Censusing Method for Estimating Sperm Whale Abundance
Dufour, Céline
December 2010
The influence of stranded kelp (Durvillaea antarctica) on the macrofaunal assemblages of a southern New Zwealand exposed sandy beach
DuFresne, Sam
April 2000
Abundance estimation of Hector's dolphin
Duncan, Joanne
August 1998
Biology of the sea pen Pteroeides sp. in Fiordland, New Zealand
Durante, Leonardo
Identifying Food-web structure, Resource Use and Movements of Fishes under the Quota Management System
Doctorate of Philosophy
Deans, Fenella
August 2022
The influence of ocean acidification and warming on greenhouse gases and microbial community structure and processing in New Zealand's coastal waters
Desmond, Matthew
Kelp-forest response to light limitation
Dias-Wanigasekera, Manel
July 2001
Nutrition and protein turnover of the red rock lobster Jasus edwardsii: a biochemical and physiological approach
Drumm, Darrin Jared
December 2004
Habitats and macroinvertebrate fauna of the reef-top of Rarotonga, Cook Islands: implications for fisheries and conservation management
DuFresne, Sam
April 2005
Conservation biology of Hector's dolphin |