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Master of Science

Kai, Takanori March 2000 Reproductive and Larval Biology of the Black Coral, Antipathes fiordensis
Kainamu, Ani 2010 The fishery trend and feeding capacity of the New Zealand Littleneck Clam, Austrovenus stutchburyi, in a southern New Zealand inlet
Karelitz, Sam December 2015 Oxidative stress responses in Echinoderm embryos in response to ocean acidification.
Kearney, Emma September 2015 Factors influencing the recovery of Pecten novaezelandiae within Te Whaka ā Te Wera Mātaitai, Rakiura
Kellmann, Ralf December 1999 The Bacterial Production of Saxitoxin Derivatives and Food-Chain Transfer to a Marine Bivalve (Paphies subtriangulata)
Kelly, Eleanor December 2022 Do microbial biofilms increase the palatability of marine plastic debris for fishes?
Key, Jolene March 2001 Growth and Condition of the Greenshell Mussel Perna canaliculus, in Big Glory Bay, Stewart Island: Relationships with environmental parameters
Keys, Rowan March 2008 Reproductive cycle and settlement of Evechinus chloroticus in the SUR 5 fishery
Kirby, Selena C. June 2004 Settlement, Resource Allocation, and Growth of the New Zealand sea urchin Pseudechinus huttoni
Kiss, László July 2000 Feeding ecology of the black coral, Antipathes Fiordensis, from Doubtful Sound, Fiordland, and description of a new species, Thamnomolgus, N.SP. (Poecilostomatoida: Thamnomolgidae), a Copepod associated with A. Fiordensis
Knight, Benjamin June 2001 A one-dimensional model of physical and biological processes applied to Doubtful Sound, a New Zealand Fjord
Koenig, Samuel March 2008 The validation of biomarkers as pollution-monitoring tools in New Zealand, for the case of Otago Harbour
Kolodzey, Stina December 2017 Demographic variability among subpopulations of two coastal fishes around the South Island of New Zealand
Kregting, Louise March 2001 Effects of light and salinity on the upper depth distribution of black coral Antipathes fiordensis

Doctorate of Philosophy

Kabir, Jahangir March 2001 Environmental, chemical and hormonal regulation of reproduction in two commercially important New Zealand abalone, Haliotis Iris and H. Australis
Karelitz, Sam 2020 Transgenerational plasticity and acclimation of echinoderms in response to climate change stressors
Keeler-May, Gaby December 2022 Post-introduction ecological impacts of the invasive kelp (Undaria pinnatifida) in southern New Zealand: implications and strategies for research, control, and management
Kluibenschedl, Anna 2021 Future Ocean and New Zealand Coralline Algae: Biological and Ecological Responses Under Elevated pCO2
Kolodzey, Stina 2021 Spatial ecological differences among fish populations across ecotypes & habitats
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