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Master of Science

Raj, Lesley August 1998 Reproductive biology and the use of photoidentification to study growth in Stichopus mollis (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in Doubtful Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand
Ramadyan, Fachry December 2017 Spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton productivity in the subtropical front around New Zealand
Rhinelander, Marcus April 2001 Acoustic Measurement of Sperm Whale Length
Richards, Derek December 2009 Subtidal rocky reef communities of the East Otago Taiãpure: Community structure, succession and productivity
Riemer, Undine December 2006 Photo-protective compounds (MAAs and carotenoids) in krill (Nyctiphanes australis G.O. Sars) and marine phytoplankton off the Otago coast, New Zealand
Robertson, Dylan Martin August 2005 The effects of Lugworm (Arenicola marina) exclusion on macrofauna in experimental plots in the German Wadden Sea
Rodgers, Kirsten Lee November 2005 Spatial structure of blue cod (Parapercis colias) populations in Doubtful Sound, Fiordland: inferred from growth patterns and stable isotope signatures
Rodriguez-Jurado, VeronicaDecember 2023 How does kelp species affect the trophic transfer of kelp organic matter within subtidal and shore food-webs?
Rowe, Lucy June 2008 Beyond identity: new information from identification photographs of bottlenose dolphins

Doctorate of Philosophy

Rayment, William June 2008 Distribution and ranging of Hector's dolphins: implications for protected area design
Richter, Christoph April 2002 Sperm whales at Kaikoura and the effects of whale-watching on their surface and vocal behaviour
Roberts, Rodney June 2001 Factors controlling larval settlement and post-larval survival/growth of New Zealand abalone
Robertson, Ben 2018 Optimising indicators of ecological condition in shallow tidal estuaries as function of nitrogen loading
Robinson, Natalie June 2011 Circulation, mixing and interactions in the ocean near the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Rosli, Norliana Mohd December 2017 Circulation, mixing and interactions in the ocean near the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Russell, Peter August 2013 Ecology of meiofauna from the New Zealand continental margin
Ryder, Finn2024Drivers of population dynamics and fishery status of paua (Haliotis iris)
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