Discover what's happening with Marketing at Otago
Read stories on Marketing staff, students or research, or find information on upcoming seminars, events and lectures. During the year, the Department also hosts many public lectures and events from our researchers and subject experts. For Marketing staff, we have an upcoming departmental seminars calendar, ensuring that everyone is kept up-to-date.
Media Features
News stories and features from national and international media featuring the Department of Marketing, plus Marketing features from He Kitenga (Otago's high-quality research publication) and the University of Otago Magazine.
Upcoming Departmental Seminars
A calendar of seminars for the Department of Marketing.
Events Calendar
An up-to-date list of Marketing events open to the public.

17 Feb 2025
ANZMAC appointment keeping tradition alive
Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Commerce and Dean of the Otago Business School, Professor Maree Thyne, is continuing a stellar Ot...

02 Aug 2024
Dressed for success
Running a designer-dress rental business and a make-up business isn’t all glitz and glamour, it’s a lot of hard work, to...

29 Jul 2024
Digital marketing proving popular
The Otago Business Schools digital marketing paper has seen a huge jump in the number of masters students taking the pap...

21 Jun 2023
Downward dog in the Rock and Pillars?
A nearly 70-year-old notoriously skew-whiff simple backcountry Otago hut might not be the first-place people would think...

20 Jun 2023
We had to keep it hush hush for a while... but we won!
Could you survive in New Zealand’s most rugged wilderness with only your best friend for company, and two elite trackers...

20 Dec 2022
Later brand reveal in advertisements leads to better sales
When it comes to product advertisements, consumers like a bit of mystery.