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News stories, features, and articles highlighting the University of Otago's Department of Marketing

Marketing at Otago has featured in national and international media, and the two University publications: He Kitenga and the University of Otago Magazine.

Marketing staff in the media

Read Department of Marketing features from national and international media:

He Kitenga: Marketing research highlights

He Kitenga is a high-quality publication that celebrates the wealth of research undertaken by academic staff and students at the University of Otago. This publication reflects the concept of discovery—as the Māori word "kitenga" derives from "kite", which means to 'see, perceive, find, and discover'.

Read Department of Marketing features from He Kitenga:

Visit the He Kitenga pages of the Otago website to read more Marketing research highlights.

The University of Otago Magazine: Marketing features

The award-winning University of Otago Magazine features research, alumni profiles, University news, alumni news, and upcoming events.

Read some recent Department of Marketing features from the Otago Magazine:

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