PhD research student
Title of research: Using the Streamer as a Sensory Proxy in Live Streaming E-Commerce
Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Management & Marketing) (Australia), MSc in Business Psychology (UK), Master of Marketing (New Zealand)
PhD start date: February 2022
Supervisors: Professor Lisa McNeill and Professor Maree Thyne
Research summary
In a physical retail store, consumers are able to use their sensory organs (i.e. touch, taste, smell) to evaluate a product prior to making a purchase. However, consumers are limited in their ability to do so in an online retail environment. In an attempt to address these limitations of the online retail channel, developments in technology have been utilised in a new form of e-commerce called live streaming, which enables consumers to view and listen to a live streamer explain what the product feels, smells and looks like. Therefore, the current research aims to investigate whether the social presence of a live streamer (i.e. seller) acts as a sensory proxy for the viewer (i.e. consumer) to psychologically trial a product, increasing immersion through narrative transportation, and thus increasing purchase intention in a live stream shopping context.