PhD research student
Qualifications: MSc Physics, Postgraduate in Electronic and Digital Media Management
Research topic: The use of immersive 360 VR videos and branched storytelling to influence public agency and self-efficacy towards climate change.
PhD start date: 1 September 2023
Supervisors: Dr Wiebke Finkler, Dr Stefanie Zollmann
Research summary
Immersive VR, 360 videos and branched storytelling are developing techniques whose uses are yet to be explored thoroughly. Amidst the discussion on various beneficial or harmful uses of these techniques, a large number of studies show that they can be potentially valuable in inducing behaviour change in humans. Understanding how they can help sensitise people towards climate change can be a game-changer. Through the proposed doctoral study, I want to explore how these tools can enable people to not only care about this issue but also induce better habits by indirectly exposing them to natural environments that would be otherwise impossible or dangerous.
Research interests
- Immersive 360 Videos and Virtual Reality
- Filmmaking and Storytelling
- Marketing for Positive Change
- Science Communication
- Climate Change