BBus(Hons)(Qld UT) PhD (Griffith)
Room 4.24 Otago Business School
Tel +64 3 479 4005
Associate Professor Andrea Insch's research interests focus on the wellbeing and resilience of people and place through the lenses of marketing and urban studies. Designed to contribute to the debate on the role and impacts of place branding for cities, nations and their stakeholders, her research activity investigates several sub-themes – the interplay of cities' branding and urban development, resident engagement with city branding and how people, brands and places build resilience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Andrea is on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Management History, a member of the Editorial Board of Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, the journal of Tourism and Hospitality, Sustainability, the Journal of Public Affairs, and the International Journal of Tourism Cities.
Andrea serves as a Board Member of Otago Festival of the Arts Trust, a Member of the OPEL Academic Advisory Group and a Member of the OBS Staff and Student Experience Strategic Initiative. Within the Department of Marketing, Andrea is the Director of Undergraduate Studies and a Member of the External Relations Team. Andrea also supervises Master and PhD students and convenes PhD Examinations at Otago.
Teaching responsibilities
Andrea's teaching responsibilities include:
- MART 301 Strategic Marketing Management
- MART 326 International and Export Marketing
- MART 330 Current Issues in International Branding
- MART 501 Applied Project
- MART 580 Research Project
Office hours
Andrea's Office Hours are:
Thursday: 1.00pm to 2.00pm
Dhakal, B., McLeod, G. F. H., Insch, A., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Modified inverse propensity weighting method to alleviate estimation errors in the model with multiple endogenous variables. MethodsX, 12, 102513. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102513 Journal - Research Article
Shaheer, I., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2024). Voices behind destination boycotts: An ecofeminist perspective. Tourism Recreation Research, 49(2), 344-360. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2021.2011590 Journal - Research Article
Insch, A., & McLeod, G. (2023). Understanding cruise-ship passengers' choice of on-shore activities using event chain graphs. In M. Thyne & S. Biggemann (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC): Marketing for Good. (pp. 659). [Abstract] Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
McLeod, G. F. H., Broadbent, J. M., Kinnersley, B., Insch, A., Lee, M., Schluter, P. J., … Hobbs, M. (2023). Purchasing and use of non-fluoride and children’s toothpaste in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Dental Journal, 119(4), 167-176. Journal - Research Article
Nguyen, Y. D. H., Insch, A., & Mather, D. (2023). Exploring students’ lived experiences and wellbeing at a New Zealand University: Perspectives of international exchange students. Journal of the Australian & New Zealand Student Services Association. Advance online publication. doi: 10.30688/janzssa.2023-1-01 Journal - Research Article
Journal - Research Article
Dhakal, B., McLeod, G. F. H., Insch, A., & Boden, J. M. (2024). Modified inverse propensity weighting method to alleviate estimation errors in the model with multiple endogenous variables. MethodsX, 12, 102513. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102513
Shaheer, I., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2024). Voices behind destination boycotts: An ecofeminist perspective. Tourism Recreation Research, 49(2), 344-360. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2021.2011590
Chapter in Book - Research
Shaheer, I., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2023). Qualitative analysis of social media historical data: A case study of Twitter and tourism boycotts. In F. Okumus, S. M. Rasoolimanesh & S. Jahani (Eds.), Advanced research methods in hospitality and tourism. (pp. 163-178). Bingley, UK: Emerald. doi: 10.1108/978-1-80117-550-020221006
Journal - Research Article
McLeod, G. F. H., Broadbent, J. M., Kinnersley, B., Insch, A., Lee, M., Schluter, P. J., … Hobbs, M. (2023). Purchasing and use of non-fluoride and children’s toothpaste in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Dental Journal, 119(4), 167-176.
Nguyen, Y. D. H., Insch, A., & Mather, D. (2023). Exploring students’ lived experiences and wellbeing at a New Zealand University: Perspectives of international exchange students. Journal of the Australian & New Zealand Student Services Association. Advance online publication. doi: 10.30688/janzssa.2023-1-01
Richardson, N., & Insch, A. (2023). Enabling transformative experiences through nature-based tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 48(2), 311-318. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2021.1952396
Shaheer, I., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2023). Rallying support for animal welfare on Twitter: A tale of four destination boycotts. Tourism Recreation Research, 48(3), 384-398. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2021.1936411
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Insch, A., & McLeod, G. (2023). Understanding cruise-ship passengers' choice of on-shore activities using event chain graphs. In M. Thyne & S. Biggemann (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC): Marketing for Good. (pp. 659). [Abstract]
Chapter in Book - Research
Conejo, F. J., Gamboa, E. A., & Insch, A. (2022). It’s ultimately social: Exploring the Costa Rican bar servicescape. In J. S. Chen (Ed.), Advances in hospitality and leisure (Vol. 17). (pp. 3-20). Bingley, UK: Emerald. doi: 10.1108/S1745-354220210000017001
Journal - Research Article
Shaheer, I., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2022). Spatial distribution of participation in boycott calls: A study of tourism destination boycotts associated with animal abuse. Anatolia, 33(3), 323-334. doi: 10.1080/13032917.2021.1931896
Journal - Research Other
McLeod, G. F. H., Fenton, A., Manning, B., Insch, A., & Boden, J. M. (2022). Just because you can...does not mean you should: An examination of efficacy and potential harms from non-prescribed supplements taken by members of the Christchurch Health and Development Study at age 40. New Zealand Medical Journal, 135(1560), 114-116. Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Insch, A. (2021). Peoplescapes and placemaking in a multicultural world: Residents identity, attachment, and belonging. In N. Papadopoulos & M. Cleveland (Eds.), Marketing countries, places, and place-associated brands: Identity and image. (pp. 114-134). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781839107375.00017
Insch, A. (2021). New Zealand. In M. Honey & K. Frenkiel (Eds.), Overtourism: Lessons for a better future. (pp. 300-312). Washington, DC: Island Press.
Insch, A. (2021). Demystifying participation and engagement in the branding of urban places. In D. Medway, G. Warnaby & J. Byron (Eds.), A research agenda for place branding. (pp. 47-65). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781839102851.00011
Journal - Research Article
Adeloye, D., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2021). Domestic tourists' types of exposure to terrorism and travel intentions. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(17), 2489-2500. doi: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1844161
Chapter in Book - Research
Insch, A. (2020). Do cities leverage summits to enhance their image online? Examining the Twittersphere of the inaugural U20 Mayoral Summit, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In S. Amiri & E. Sevin (Eds.), City diplomacy: Current trends and future prospects. (pp. 161-185). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Mamillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-45615-3_8
Chapter in Book - Other
Insch, A., & Loughran, I. (2020). Chernobyl Disaster, 26 April 1986. In P. Harris, A. Bitonti, C. S. Fleisher & A. Skorkjær (Eds.), The Palgrave encyclopedia of interest groups, lobbying and public affairs. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-13895-0_23-1
Journal - Research Article
Florek, M., & Insch, A. (2020). Learning to co-create the city brand experience. Journal of International Studies, 13(2), 163-177. doi: 10.14254/2071-8330.2020/13-2
Adeloye, D., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2020). Conducting qualitative interviews on sensitive topics in sensitive places: The case of terrorism and tourism in Nigeria. Tourism Recreation Research, 45(1), 69-79. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2019.1656872
Journal - Research Other
Insch, A. (2020). The challenges of over-tourism facing New Zealand: Risks and responses. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 15, 100378. doi: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2019.100378
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A., & Richardson, N. (2020). Pre-trip and en-route characteristics of transformative tourism experiences. Proceedings of the 49th Annual European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). 63944. Retrieved from
Journal - Research Article
Shaheer, I., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2019). What are the reasons behind tourism boycotts? Anatolia, 30(2), 294-296. doi: 10.1080/13032917.2018.1562948
Journal - Research Other
Adeloye, D., Carr, N., & Insch, A. (2019). Domestic tourism and terrorism: An ignored field [Research note]. Tourism Recreation Research, 44(3), 382-386. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2019.1626117
Journal - Research Article
He, C. X., Karami, M., & Insch, A. (2018). SMEs' foreign operation mode package development. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 20(6), 108-124.
Insch, A., & Black, T. (2018). Does corporate social responsibility cushion unethical brand behavior? Insights from chocolate confectionery. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(3), e1853. doi: 10.1002/pa.1853
Etemaddar, M., Thyne, M., & Insch, A. (2018). A taste of home: Choosing a destination wedding. Anatolia, 29(3), 422-432. doi: 10.1080/13032917.2018.1433698
Walters, T., & Insch, A. (2018). How community event narratives contribute to place branding. Journal of Place Management & Development, 11(1), 130-144. doi: 10.1108/JPMD-09-2017-0089
Insch, A., & Cuthbert, R. (2018). Why country of origin still matters in food retailing: Implications for promotion management research. Journal of Promotion Management, 24(3), 363-375. doi: 10.1080/10496491.2018.1378304
Shaheer, I., Insch, A., & Carr, N. (2018). Tourism destination boycotts: Are they becoming a standard practise? Tourism Recreation Research, 43(1), 129-132. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2017.1377385
Insch, A. (2018). Auckland, New Zealand's super city. Cities, 80, 38-44. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2017.08.019
Insch, A., & Walters, T. (2018). Challenging assumptions about residents’ engagement with place branding. Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, 14(3), 152-162. doi: 10.1057/s41254-017-0067-5
Journal - Research Other
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2018). Introduction. Economics & Business Review, 4(3), 3-5. doi: 10.18559/ebr.2018.3.1
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Etemaddar, M., & Insch, A. (2018). Tasting home out of home: Iranian concerts in neighbourhood of Iran. In S. Ebie, N. Morgan & B. Garrod (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA) Conference. (pp. 199-208). Swansea, UK: Swansea University. [Full Paper]
Insch, A., & Etemaddar, M. (2018). Understanding concepts of place through poetry: Insights and implications for place branding. In S. Ebie, N. Morgan & B. Garrod (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA) Conference. (pp. 119-128). Swansea, UK: Swansea University. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Mather, D., Parackal, M., McNeill, L., Wass, R., Casey, B., Insch, A., Zaharic, T., & Garry, T. (2018). Non-attendance at lectures: An investigation into the profiling of students by attendance at the University of Otago. Proceedings of the Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC) Symposium: Celebrating Higher Education. (pp. 28). Retrieved from
Parackal, M., Mather, D., Insch, A., Casey, B., Wass, R., McNeill, L., Zaharic, T., & Garry, T. (2018). Best-Worst Self-Efficacy Scale: A diagnostic tool for implementing customised interventions to improve the academic performance of students. Proceedings of the Higher Education Development Centre (HEDC) Symposium: Celebrating Higher Education. (pp. 27). Retrieved from
Etemaddar, M., & Insch, A. (2018). ’Moments of home’, a new perspective towards understanding diasporic home: Implications for place branding. In S. Ebie, N. Morgan & B. Garrod (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA) Conference. (pp. 77). Swansea, UK: Swansea University. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Parackal, M., McNeill, L., Mather, D., Wass, R., Casey, B., Insch, A., & Guthrie, J. (2018, June). An investigation into non-attendance at lectures, University of Otago. Verbal presentation at the SERGE Symposium 2018, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Journal - Research Article
Conejo, F., Wooliscroft, B., & Insch, A. (2017). Exploring brand personality scale development using Rasch modelling. Marketing Bulletin, 27, 1-23.
Insch, A., Mather, D., & Knight, J. (2017). Buy-national campaigns: Congruence determines premiums for domestic products. International Marketing Review, 34(2), 239-253. doi: 10.1108/IMR-03-2015-0082
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A., & Picard, L. (2017). Free, but unfair trade: Understanding New Zealanders' responses to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. In B. Wooliscroft & A. Ganglmair-Wooliscroft (Eds.), Proceedings of the Macromarketing Conference: Macromarketing Systems' Contributions to Society: Past, Present and Potential. (pp. 676-695). Dunedin, New Zealand: Macromarketing Society and the Marketing Department, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Insch, A., & Walters, T. (2017). Conceptualising the role of street art in urban tourism. In C. Lee, S. Filep, J. N. Albrecht & W. J. L. Coetzee (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference. (pp. 620-622). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Tourism, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Chapter in Book - Research
Insch, A., & Collier, A. (2016). Food manufacturers' adoption of eco-labels: Motives, barriers, and pressures. In A. Lindgreen, M. K. Hingley, R. J. Angell & J. Memery (Eds.), A stakeholder approach to managing food: Local, national, and global issues. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Hoksbergen, E., & Insch, A. (2016). Facebook as a platform for co-creating music festival experiences: The case of New Zealand's Rhythm and Vines New Year's Eve festival. International Journal of Event & Festival Management, 7(2), 84-99. doi: 10.1108/IJEFM-02-2016-0012
Insch, A., & Bowden, B. (2016). Possibilities and limits of brand repositioning for a second-ranked city: The case of Brisbane, Australia's “New World City”, 1979–2013. Cities, 56, 47-54. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2016.03.003
Insch, A., Williams, S., & Knight, J. G. (2016). Managerial perceptions of country-of-origin: An empirical study of New Zealand food manufacturers. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 22(3), 304-319. doi: 10.1080/10454446.2014.940116
Journal - Research Article
Insch, A., & Stuart, M. (2015). Understanding resident city brand disengagement. Journal of Place Management & Development, 8(3), 172-186. doi: 10.1108/JPMD-06-2015-0016
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A., & Hoksbergen, E. (2015). Forms of value creation through social media for music festival participants. In A. Sinha, J. Cadeaux & T. Bucic (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Annual Conference: Innovation and Growth Strategies in Marketing. (pp. 630-636). ANZMAC. [Full Paper]
Stuart, M., & Insch, A. (2015). Understanding resident city brand disengagement. In M. Florek, A. Augustyn, C. Parker, S. Millington & S. Quin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Place Management & Branding Conference: Sustainability, Liveability & Connectivity. (pp. 740-761). Manchester, UK: Institute of Place Management. [Full Paper]
Insch, A. (2015). Summit City: A review of the impacts of international summits for host cities. In M. Florek, A. Augustyn, C. Parker, S. Millington & S. Quin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Place Management & Branding Conference: Sustainability, Liveability & Connectivity. (pp. 374-393). Manchester, UK: Institute of Place Management. [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Insch, A., & Jackson, E. (2014). Consumer understanding and use of country-of-origin in food choice. British Food Journal, 116(1), 62-79. doi: 10.1108/BFJ-10-2011-0275
Journal - Research Other
Insch, A. (2014). Positioning cities: Innovative and sustainable strategies for city development and transformation. Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, 10(4), 249-252. doi: 10.1057/pb.2014.30
Insch, A., & Avraham, E. (2014). Managing the reputation of places in crisis. Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, 10(3), 171-173. doi: 10.1057/pb.2014.18
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Insch, A. (2014). [Review of the book Branding the nation: The global business of national identity]. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 10(2), 233-235. [Book Review].
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A., Mather, D., & Knight, J. (2014). Does a 'Buy National' premium exist? Evidence from a bi-national, multi-category study. In S. Rundle-Thiele, K. Kubacki & D. Arli (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Annual Conference: Agents of Change. (pp. 117-123). ANZMAC. [Full Paper]
Chapter in Book - Research
Florek, M., & Insch, A. (2013). When fit matters: Leveraging destination and event image congruence. In L. Dwyer & E. Wickens (Eds.), Event tourism and cultural tourism: Issues and debates. (pp. 27-48). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Journal - Research Article
Insch, A., & Sun, B. (2013). University students' needs and satisfaction with their host city. Journal of Place Management & Development, 6(3), 178-191. doi: 10.1108/JPMD-03-2013-0004
Bowden, B., & Insch, A. (2013). A study of resource dependency: The coal supply strategy of the Japanese steel mills: 1960-2010. Journal of Management History, 19(1), 73-86. doi: 10.1108/17511341311286204
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A. (2013). Elements of the city branding process to support global city status. Proceedings of the City Branding Symposium: Positioning Cities: innovative and Sustainable Strategies for City Development and Transformation. (pp. 219-233). Forum for Asian Studies. [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Janiszewska, K., & Insch, A. (2012). The strategic importance of brand positioning in the place brand concept: Elements, structure and application capabilities. Journal of International Studies, 5(1), 9-19.
Mather, D. W., Knight, J. G., Insch, A., Holdsworth, D. K., Ermen, D. F., & Breitbarth, T. (2012). Social stigma and consumer benefits: Trade-offs in adoption of genetically modified foods. Science Communication, 34(4), 487-519. doi: 10.1177/1075547011428183
Hamlin, R. P., Lindsay, S., & Insch, A. (2012). Retailer branding of consumer sales promotions. A major development in food marketing? Appetite, 58(1), 256-264. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2011.10.008
Chapter in Book - Research
Insch, A. (2011). Branding the city as an attractive place to live. In K. Dinnie (Ed.), City branding: Theory and cases. (pp. 8-14). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Insch, A. (2011). Leveraging nation branding for export promotion: 100% sustainable? [Case study]. In R. Fletcher & H. Crawford (Eds.), International marketing: An Asia-Pacific perspective. (5th ed.) (pp. 616-619). Sydney, Australia: Pearson.
Journal - Research Article
Insch, A. (2011). Conceptualization and anatomy of green destination brands. International Journal of Culture, Tourism & Hospitality Research, 5(3), 282-290. doi: 10.1108/17506181111156970
Insch, A., Prentice, R. S., & Knight, J. G. (2011). Retail buyers' decision-making and buy national campaigns. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19(4), 257-266. doi: 10.1016/j.ausmj.2011.07.003
McLeod, G. F., Insch, A., & Henry, J. (2011). Reducing barriers to sun protection: Application of a holistic model for social marketing. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19, 212-222. doi: 10.1016/j.ausmj.2011.05.008
Florek, M., & Insch, A. (2011). When fit matters: Leveraging destination and event image congruence. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 20(3), 265-286. doi: 10.1080/19368623.2011.562413
Journal - Research Other
Insch, A. (2011). Ethics of place making [Guest editorial]. Place Branding & Public Diplomacy, 7(3), 151-154. doi: 10.1057/pb.2011.23
Hoek, J., & Insch, A. (2011). Special section on marketing and public policy: Going beyond a nanny state [Editorial]. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19(3), 165-167. doi: 10.1016/j.ausmj.2011.05.001
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A., & Black, T. (2011). Recovery from a social crisis: The halo effect of Corporate Social Responsibility reputation. Proceedings of the 40th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference: The Day After: Inspiration, Innovation, Implementation. [CD-ROM] [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract
Hoek, J., Scott, R., Gendall, P., Louviere, J. J., Insch, A., & Robertson, K. (2011). Social warning messages: Targeting tobacco control to young women. In E. Howlett, J. Kozup & J. Kees (Eds.), Proceedings of the Marketing and Public Policy Conference: Emerging Concerns in an Increasingly Interconnected World. 21, (pp. 114-115). Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association. [Abstract]
Conference Contribution - Poster Presentation (not in published proceedings)
Chang, T.-Z. D., & Insch, A. (2011, June). An empirical investigation of web-based objective and subjective environmental statements and promotional claims. Poster session presented at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Marketing and Public Policy Conference: Emerging Concerns in an Increasingly Interconnected World, Washington, USA.
Chapter in Book - Research
Florek, M., & Insch, A. (2010). Sales promotion in Poland. In K.-S. Fam, L. Józsa & J. E. Richard (Eds.), Sales promotion techniques: Best practice from Asia and Europe. (pp. 211-224). Wellington, New Zealand: Asia Business Research Corporation.
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2010). Place satisfaction of city residents: Findings and implications for city branding. In G. Ashworth & M. Kavaratzis (Eds.), Towards effective place brand management: Branding European cities and regions. (pp. 191-204). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Insch, A. (2010). Breaking the mould: Characterstics and consequences of becoming market oriented in Australian meat retailing. In A. M. K. Lindgreen Hingley, D. Harness & P. Custance (Eds.), Market orientation: Transforming food and agribusiness around the customer. (pp. 229-244). Farnham, UK: Gower.
Journal - Research Article
Insch, A. (2010). Managing residents' satisfaction with city ilfe: Application of Importance—Satisfaction analysis. Journal of Town & City Management, 1(2), 164-174.
Jozsa, L., Insch, A., Krisjanous, J., & Fam, K.-S. (2010). Beliefs about advertising in China: Empirical evidence from Hong Kong and Shanghai consumers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(7), 594-603. doi: 10.1108/07363761011086344
Kemp, K., Insch, A., Holdsworth, D. K., & Knight, J. G. (2010). Food miles: Do UK consumers actually care? Food Policy, 35(6), 504-513. doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2010.05.011
Journal - Research Other
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2010). Marketing cities: Controversies, contradictions and consequences: A special issue of the Journal of Town and City Management [Guest editorial]. Journal of Town & City Management, 1(3), 233-238.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Hoek, J., McLean, R., & Insch, A. (2010). Ideology, evidence and anti-consumption: A rhetorical analysis of reponses to obesity prevention measures. In M. S. W. Lee, D. Roux, H. Cherrier & B. Cova (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint International Centre for Anti-Consumption Research (ICAR) and New Approaches to Consumer Resistance (NACRE) Conference: Anti-consumption and Consumer Resistance: Concepts, Concerns, Conflicts, and Convergence. (pp. 50-54). Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland Business School. [Full Paper]
Other Research Output
Insch, A. (2010, September). Origin matters: Yeah right. University of Otago Department of Marketing Seminar Series, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Department Seminar].
Other - Edited Journal
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (Eds.). (2010). Journal of Town & City Management, 1(3), Special issue: City marketing and branding [Guest editors]. [Journal Editor].
Journal - Research Article
Breitbarth, T., Harris, P., & Insch, A. (2009). Pictures at an exhibition revisited: Reflections on a typology of images used in the construction of corporate social responsibility and sustainability in non-financial corporate reporting. Journal of Public Affairs, 10, 238-257. doi: 10.1002/pa.344
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2009). Prevalence of country of origin associations on the supermarket shelf. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(5), 453-471. doi: 10.1108/09590550910954937
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A. (2009). Green essence or green wash? Conceptualisation and anatomy of green destination brands. In L. A. N. Dioko & X. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing. [CD-ROM], (pp. 190-198). Macao, China: Institue for Tourism Studies. [Full Paper]
Hoek, J., McLean, R., & Insch, A. (2009). Ideological or evidence-based? Evaluating school based food regulation decisions. Proceedings of the International Nonprofit and Social Marketing Conference (INSM): Sustainable Social Enterprise. Retrieved from
Chapter in Book - Research
Insch, A., Conejo, F., & Florek, M. (2008). Znaczenie kampanii popierających zakup produktów krajowych w konkurowaniu z producentami dóbr importowanych, na przykladzie Australii, Nowej Zelandii i Polski [Why 'buy national'? A critical review of buy national campaigns and examination of their application in Australia, New Zealand and Poland]. In H. Szulce (Ed.), Determinanty i instrumenty konkurowania w dzialaniach marketingowych. (pp. 27-48). Poznań, Poland: Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej.
Journal - Research Article
Insch, A. (2008). Triggers and processes of value creation in Australia's chicken meat industry. British Food Journal, 110(1), 26-41. doi: 10.1108/00070700810844777
Insch, A. (2008). Online communication of Corporate Environmental Citizenship: A study of New Zealand's electricity and gas retailers. Journal of Marketing Communications, 14(2), 139-153. doi: 10.1080/13527260701858505
Florek, M., & Insch, A. (2008). The trademark protection of country brands: Insights from New Zealand. Journal of Place Management & Development, 1(3), 292-306. doi: 10.1108/17538330810911271
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2008). A great place to live, work and play: Conceptualising place satisfaction in the case of a city's residents. Journal of Place Management & Development, 1(2), 138-149. doi: 10.1108/17538330810889970
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Florek, M., & Insch, A. (2008). Dopasowanie Wizerunków Wydarzenia I Destynacji na Przykładzie Mistrozostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej. In M. Florek & K. Janiszewska (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Day of Place Marketing Conference [Międzynarodowy Dzień Marketingu Terytorialnego]. (pp. 9-22). Poznań, Poland: Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu. [Full Paper]
Florek, M., & Insch, A. (2008). When fit matters: Leveraging destination and event image congruence. In A. Aktaş, E. Wickens, M. Kesgin, E. Cengiz & E. Yenialp (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Tourism Conference. (pp. 353-381). Ankara, Turkey: Detay Yayincilik. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2008, February). A great place to live, work and play: Conceptualising place satisfaction in the case of a city's residents. Verbal presentation at the Institute of Place Management Conference, London, UK.
Breitbarth, T., Insch, A., & Harris, P. (2008, October). A picture is worth a 1000 words? The construction of corporate social responsibility messages through the use of images in corporate reporting. Verbal presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Berlin, Germany.
Harris, P., Breitbarth, T., & Insch, A. (2008, March). Public Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility. Verbal presentation at the VIIth European Centre for Public Affairs Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Chapter in Book - Research
Fischer, W. C., Insch, A., Knight, J., & Krausbeck, E. (2007). Promotion campaigns in Canada, Germany, New Zealand & USA. In W. C. Fischer & K. K. Mwenda (Eds.), Country of origin: A law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. (pp. 31-52). Köln, Germany: Josef Eul Verlag.
Insch, A., & Knight, J. (2007). Buy New Zealand made: Is it 'all good'? In W. C. Fischer & K. K. Mwenda (Eds.), Country of origin: A law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. (pp. 43-52). Lohmar, Germany: EUL Verlag.
Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles
Insch, A. (2007). [Review of the book From the hustings to harbour views: Electoral institutions in New South Wales]. Journal of Public Affairs, 7, 204-206.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A. (2007). Rights versus relevance: Mapping the competing interests in the debate over mandatory CoOL of food and beverage products in New Zealand. In M. Thyne, K. R. Deans & J. Gnoth (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. [CD-ROM], (pp. 2389-2396). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Marketing, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2007). Airlines' promotion of places through the travel experience: An exploratory study of two national airlines. In M. Thyne, K. R. Deans & J. Gnoth (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. [CD-ROM], (pp. 8-15). Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of Marketing, University of Otago. [Full Paper]
Insch, A., & Florek, M. (2007). Extending the logic of brand equity to places: Prospects, problems and implications. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Destination Branding and Marketing. (pp. 188-196). Institute for Tourism Studies, Purdue University and Peking University. [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Florek, M., Insch, A., & Gnoth, J. (2006). City Council websites as a means of place brand identity communication. Place Branding, 2(4), 276-296. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.pb.6000036
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A. (2006). Representing corporate environmental citizenship: An investigation of New Zealand electricity and gass retailers' online communications. In M. Layton, R. Layton & B. Wooliscroft (Eds.), Proceedings of the Macromarketing Seminar. (pp. 495-512). University of Otago: Marketing Department. [Full Paper]
Insch, A. (2006). Impacts of organised marketing on value delivery in agri-food marketing systems: A study of Australasian approaches to marketing meat during the World War Two era. In M. Layton, R. Layton & B. Wooliscroft (Eds.), Proceedings of the Macromarketing Seminar. (pp. 445-458). University of Otago: Marketing Department. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A. (2005). Tracing the impacts of global sourcing on local communities: A historical analysis of employment relations in Queensland's beef processing sector. Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy Conference. [CD-ROM] Melbourne, Australia: Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy. [Full Paper]
Awarded Doctoral Degree
Insch, A. (2005). The effects of marketing organisation on the delivery of added value: A historical comparison of Australia's beef and chicken meat marketing systems (PhD). Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. 265p. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A. (2004). Using complexity theory to explain changes in product-country images: The case of Australian beef exports to Japan. In H. E. Spotts & H. L. Meadow (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science: Developments in Marketing Science. 27, (pp. 63-68). Florida, USA: Academy of Marketing Science. [Full Paper]
Insch, A. (2004). Impacts of global sourcing on regional employment relations: A study of Queensland's beef processing sector. In P. Hyland & G. Stewart (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Employment Relations Association (IERA) Conference: Regionalism and globalisation: The challenge for employment relations. IERA. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A., & Bowden, B. (2003). The 'healthy alternative'? Transformation of production and work organisation in the Australian chicken meat sector. In P. Hyland, G. Stewart, B. Bowden & J. Kellet (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th National Labour History Conference: Transforming Labour. (pp. 170-176). Australia: Brisbane Labour History Association. [Full Paper]
Journal - Research Article
Zarkada-Fraser, A., Fraser, C., & Insch, A. (2002). Assessment of Indonesia's country risk by Australian manufacturers. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 4(1), 3-31.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Zarkada-Fraser, A., & Insch, A. (2000). Towards a measure of corporate environmental citizenship. In H. E. Spotts & H. L. Meadow (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science: Developments in marketing science. 23, (pp. 420-423). Florida, USA: Academy of Marketing Science. [Full Paper]
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Full paper
Insch, A. (1999). An exploratory study of self-reported levels of corporate environmental citizenship and its antecedent philosophies in the Australian minerals & energy resources sector. In S. L. McGaughey, S. J. Gray & W. R. Purcell (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy: International Business Dynamics of the New Millenium. (pp. 94-108). Sydney, Australia: Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy. [Full Paper]