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Office: Room 4.14, Commerce Buildingchetty_sylvie
Phone: +64 3 479 8147

Sylvie Chetty is a Professor in the Department of Marketing at the University of Otago and Leader of the ExportNet research project which is funded by a Marsden Grant. The aim of the ExportNet research project is to study entrepreneurial networking and decision- making during the internationalisation process of the firm.

Professor Sylvie Chetty has worked in Iran, South Africa, Swaziland and New Zealand. In New Zealand she has worked at Canterbury and Victoria universities. While working at Victoria University she joined the Competitive Advantage New Zealand project which is a FORST funded research project. Professor Chetty is also a Research Associate in the Department of Business Administration, Uppsala University in Sweden and collaborates with researchers there who work on the internationalisation of firms and business networks.

Her research interests are in the internationalisation of firms, export performance, business networks and social capital.
Professor Chetty has published widely in this area in such journals as Journal of International Business Studies, Regional Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Management International Review, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, International Business Review, International Small Business Journal, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Journal of Strategic Marketing as well as several chapters in edited books.

Professor Chetty won the American Marketing Association's prestigious Hans B. Thorelli Award in 2010 for the article co-authored with Professor Colin Campbell-Hunt (Otago University) - A Strategic Approach to Internationalization: A Traditional Versus a 'Born-Global' Approach published in 2004.The award is given annually to the article published in the Journal of International Marketing that has made the most significant and long-term contribution to international marketing theory. Professor Chetty is listed in Who's Who in New Zealand and Who's Who in the world.

Sylvie's research interests are:

  • Internationalisation process of firms
  • Social Capital
  • Industry Clusters
  • Business networks

Office Hours

Sylvia is currently on leave. All inquiries regarding Sylvie's teaching & research should be directed to the Department Manager, Moira Kliegl (

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