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Do you have a question regarding your course? We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help you 'find your way' in the Department of Marketing.

If your question is not listed below, please don't hesitate to contact reception:


FAQs about Marketing at Otago:

General questions

Where is the Department of Marketing?

The Department is situated on the 4th floor of the Otago Business School, which is on the corner of Clyde and Union Streets.

View the location of the Department of Marketing on Google Maps

What time does the Department open?

Reception is open from 8:30am–5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Who is in charge of each paper?

The course coordinator's details are listed in the course outline.

View the course outline on Blackboard

View the course outline on the individual course information pages

Where can I find staff office hours?

These are listed on your course outline. They are also available on a screen at Reception or posted on signs on office doors.

If I cannot see my lecturers during their office hours, what should I do?

Email the lecturer concerned and arrange an alternative time to meet. Email addresses of lecturers for each paper are on the Course Outline and Blackboard.

How do I go about changing my tutorial time?

Email the coordinator of the paper concerned, or check instructions provided in the course outline.

Assignment questions

Who do I see about getting an extension for my assignment?

Please see the coordinator of the paper concerned before the due date. You will normally be required to provide evidence etc. Tutors and lecturers are not authorised to grant extensions.

Where do I hand in my completed assignment?

Generally, submission details are provided in the Course Outline and/or on Blackboard. If this is not the case, you will be told in class whether your assignment is to be dropped off into the assignment boxes, or into the tutor/lecturer mailboxes on the 4th floor, Otago Business School.

Where do I collect my assignments?

An announcement will usually be made in lectures or on Blackboard. Assignments may be handed back through tutorials or they may be made available at Reception on the 4th floor, Otago Business School.

Where are the tutor/lecturer mail boxes located?

Tutor/lecturer mail boxes can be found in Room 4.05, the copier room, just past the kitchen area.

What happens if I am late with an assignment?

View our Policy on Student Internal Assessment for further information

If I have an extension, where do I submit my assignment?

Please submit your assignment (if you have been granted an extension) at Reception so that the time it was submitted can be recorded.

Why is it important to pick up my assignments?

It is important to pick up your assignment because the feedback from the markers may help you with future assignments.

What do I do if I am sick?

Please do not come to the Department and risk infecting staff members and other students. Please wait until your symptoms have gone before you come in with a medical certificate to request an extension.

Examination questions

How will I know when/where my exam is being held?

A personal exam timetable will be visible in your eVision portal prior to each examination period, giving the date, time, and venue for each examination you are to sit.

View upcoming examination timetables

How do I get my exam script back?

Application forms for the return of exam scripts are available from the University Information Centre. Please note that after twelve weeks from the date of confirmed results, unclaimed scripts are disposed of by Departments.

Visit the University Information Centre for further information

What do I do if I am unable to attend my final exam?

The Special Consideration provisions apply only to final examinations and only where it is clearly documented that a candidate has been prevented from taking an examination through illness or other exceptional circumstances beyond his or her control; or has been seriously impaired by illness or other exceptional circumstances beyond his or her control at the time of, or in the 14 day period immediately prior to the examination itself.

Read further information on Special Consideration for final examinations

Read further general information about sitting final examinations

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