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(PhD Tübingen)Generic Silhouette

Chair of Applied Mathematics
Fellow of the Royal Society of NZ

Office: Science III, room 223
Tel +64 3 479 7770

Research Interests

Mathematical Physics.

In particular:

  • Gravitational waves
  • Conformal field equations and asymptotic structure
  • Initial boundary value problems for Einstein's field equations

Other interests:

  • Theta-functions in integrable systems
  • Air-Water interfaces

I am prepared to supervise projects on various topics within applied mathematics. Come to see me to discuss the possibilities.


Rossetto, P. H. B., Frauendiener, J., & Melatos, A. (2025). Quadrupole moment of a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star in general relativity. Astrophysical Journal, 979, 10. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ada276 Journal - Research Article

Frauendiener, J. (2025). Asymptotic structure and conformal infinity. In E. V. Prodan & B. Dittrich (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (Vol. 1). (2nd ed.) (pp. 336-342). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-95703-8.00057-4 Chapter in Book - Research

De Leon, E. B., Frauendiener, J., & Klein, C. (2024). Visualisation of counter-rotating dust disks using ray tracing methods. Classical & Quantum Gravity, 41, 155005. doi: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad58cb Journal - Research Article

Frauendiener, J., & Vultaggio, S. (2024). LISA: Global space science and New Zealand's contribution. In M. A. Pozza (Ed.), Ascending to space: Space law and policy. (pp. 207-228). Singapore: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-981-97-0714-0_10 Chapter in Book - Research

Frauendiener, J., Goodenbour, A., & Stevens, C. (2024). The non-linear perturbation of a black hole by gravitational waves. III. Newman-Penrose constants. Classical & Quantum Gravity, 41, 065005. doi: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad2288 Journal - Research Article

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