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Gregor Schmaltz"Globalisation altered our way of life and companies are compelled to become more international in both their organisations and strategies. CEOs and managers face each day the paradox of international business - an increase in complexity but tremendous opportunities due to globalisation. The MBA education provides the framework and strategies to manage the challenges in this global arena."
Area of specialisation International Business,
Strategic Management,
Cross Cultural Management,
Faculty / key office Consultant and Executive Coach,
Lecturer at Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (EC), SKKU (KR), Mahidol (TH), Otago Business School
Education Executive MBA Sasin (Thailand) and Kellogg (USA),
MBA Thunderbird (USA)

International teaching and industry experience

Gregor Schmalz has 20 years of experience in international markets on different continents. He worked in executive positions for two industry leaders and 'Hidden Champions' around the globe. His key skills are in general management, turnaround, change management and business development.

He established two companies in Korea and one in South-East-Asia, and restructured a manufacturing facility in France. Gregor has hands-on-practice in more than 30 countries and has lived, worked and travelled to 50 different countries. He is a guest lecturer at many well-known universities in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Why do you enjoy teaching in the MBA programme?

I believe that life-long learning is both a valuable treasure and a wonderful challenge. During the MBA programme students are encouraged to analyse situations from different angles, to work with people from different countries & cultural backgrounds, and to put things into perspective while sharpening their minds.

The development of critical thinking, asking the right questions and finding solutions together, both inside and outside the class, are of fundamental value for the participants. This environment is very inspiring and brings people to a higher intellectual level.  I am able to see students grow as they learn. MBA students are typically curious and motivated, and will use their new knowledge for something larger and greater.

What global perspective is reflected in your teaching?

Each session of the International Business course reflects the global perspective. The course is designed to discuss causes, developments, risks, challenges and opportunities of international business, in the context of international trade, foreign direct investment, the foreign exchange market and the international monetary system.

Overall, the course provides an essential understanding of the international business environment and combines economic concepts and international business relevance. We will look at current 'hot' topics, do cross-cultural simulations and analyse case studies from different industries with different international challenges. In addition, the course provides input from guest speakers from truly global companies, who share their views on challenges in the international context.

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