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Faculty / key office |
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Teaching and industry experience
I deliver change that matters. I'm a solution maker, people enabler and passionate about getting results. Strong relationships and value-driven strategy are my foundational pillars. Leading projects into a wide range of industries from Information Technology, Infrastructure, Logistics, Dairy, Hospitality, Fitness and Community Clubs. I specialise in Hybrid project delivery, leveraging the best from predictive and agile methodologies to deliver results fast while leveraging opportunities for discovery and learning.
Operating client-facing for 24 years I focus heavily on stakeholder engagement, communication and commercial strategy. Too many organisations waste copious amounts of money not setting people and projects up to succeed, I'm determined to change that. I am a certified Project Management Professional® (PMP) and PMI-Agile Certified® practitioner (PMI-ACP).
Technology is at the core of my work, I thrive in the physical environments that technology is increasingly serving. Large plant, structures and heavy operational environments regularly interacting with civil works. Understanding and improving process flow, selecting technology that is truly suitable for the environment, users and working with a diverse range of stakeholders from civil infrastructure, design and engineering through to technology specialists. Software system design, implementation and testing are core elements to all digital-related projects. As a self-confessed teenage-gamer I gained a love of technology early in my life and it's served me well in my career.
Above all else, I believe in doing great work with good people. Love what you do and do it with people who want to make a difference in this world. I seek out and build teams of solution makers, problem smashers and great communicators.
Why I enjoy teaching in the MBA programme
MBA students come from a wide range of industries bringing with them a wealth of business experience. I look forward to further expanding that knowledge by applying Project Management framework to enable greater success and build stronger relationships.
Why would you recommend students studying their MBA do so at Otago?
Otago is world-class university and the experience and diversity its lecturers offer is incredibly valuable. In a world where we are likely to change jobs/industries multiple times during our working life it is that diversity of experience that offers future opportunities to Otago MBA students.