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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The latest issue of Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, for which Holly Randell-Moon is the Managing Editor, is now available online:

It features a special issue on “Racialising Desires”, edited by Gilbert Caluya.

Articles in the issue include:

· Erin Claringbold, “The lascivious Afghan and the threat of 'brown babies'”

· Emerich Daroya, “Potatoes and Rice: Exploring the Racial Politics of Gay Asian and White Men's Desires and Desirability”

· Dona Cayetana, “Waging a War of Terror: Invasion, Surveillance and Desire in Robert Drewe's Grace”

· Rikke Andreassen, “Alternative stories about race, gender and interracial intimacies at the turn of the twentieth century”

The issue also features the following general articles:

· Rob Cover, “Temporary Migration, Corporeality and Conditional Multiculturalism: Body Odours, Stereotyping and Shame”

· Jennifer E. Cheng, “Talking about 'Australian Values' in the Australian Parliament: How Politicians Contest Culturalist Racism”

· Finex Ndhlovu, “'Too Tall, Too Dark' to be Australian: Racial Perceptions of Post-refugee Africans”

· Stefan Haderer, “Biopower, whiteness and the Stolen Generations: The arbitrary power of racial classification”

· Micaela Ash, “Preventing Harm or Fortifying the Borders?: Political discourse on polygamy and Islam in Australia”

There is also a book review of Alison Ravenscroft's The Postcolonial Eye: White Australian Desire and the Visual Field of Race (2012), by Barbara Baird.

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