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Master's study provides a comprehensive initiation to the world of independent research. There are two MA degrees offered by the Media, Film and Communication programme: MA by thesis only and MA by coursework. The thesis only MA usually takes one to two years full-time, while the MA by coursework usually takes eighteen months. For applicants interested in going on to complete a PhD, there are several paths but we recommend taking the master's by thesis only.

Applying for master's by thesis only

To be eligible for entry to master's by thesis only, applicants must have completed one of the following: a BA with Honours, a BA plus Postgraduate Diploma in Film and Media Studies or Communications Studies, a degree in a cognate field.

Normally the candidate will have a mark of B+ or above on their 490 (Research Dissertation), or equivalent.

To apply, email the following to Dr Olivier Jutel

  • A one-page research proposal outlining your research topic and approach / method
  • A short bibliography of key literature
  • A writing sample (such as an essay or article)
  • A transcript of your academic record

The postgraduate committee will consider these documents and, if they are supported, will invite you to move to formally apply to the University's central administration for admission and scholarships.

Find more information here: Master's by thesis at Otago

Applying for master's by coursework

The MA by coursework degree in Media, Film and Communication is a part of the MA coursework programme for humanities students. To be eligible for entry to master's by coursework, applicants must have completed a BA degree with a B+ average or above.

Find more information here: Master's by coursework at Otago

Please include with your application a brief statement (200 words) outlining what topic you wish to write about in the MFCO 590 Research Dissertation, and a writing sample (of your best work in English such as an essay or article).

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