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BA(Hons) PhD(Murd) Brett_2019
Senior Lecturer


Office 3N2, 3rd floor, Arts (Burns) Building
Tel +64 3 4798819
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Baudrillard Now
Borderlands: Culture, Politics, Law and Earth


Brett is immersed in research on media and politics, critical theory, and discourse analysis. His published work includes critical analyses of documentary film, wearable fitness devices, social media, and television. He is also a specialist on Jean Baudrillard’s thought. Brett’s latest work takes a historical view of reactionary politics in Australia and New Zealand. It considers the ideological formation of this politics, its evolution over time, and its integration into today’s mainstream political discourse.

Brett has extensive experience supervising PhD and MA students and is currently looking for students in the following areas of research: Far-right politics, poststructuralist discourse analysis, Baudrillard and culture, political pundits, ecofascism.

Supervisions Successfully Completed

11 PhDs

Anita Brady, Constituting queer: Performativity and commodity culture (completed 2007).

Garth Cartright, We live inside a dream: Ideology and utopia in the films of David Lynch (completed 2011).

Anne Begg, Brand New Zealand: Media governmentality and affective biopower (completed 2012).

Ma Weijun, Fruitful land and national cadres: Mainstreaming resistance and critical realism in contemporary Chinese TV drama (completed 2012).

Florian Deffner, Communicative mobility and networked mediation in transnational lifeworlds: A case study of European expatriates in Australia (completed 2013).

Donald Reid, Solid to liquid culture: The institutional, political and economic transformation of New Zealand state broadcasting (completed 2014).

Chris Hacon, The algorithmic subject: the neo-liberal apparatus and the social media technology of power (completed 2017).

Massimiliana Urbano, Becoming-common: Affective technologies and grassroots activism in contemporary Italy(completed 2017).

Paul Kirkham, Mimesis and power (completed 2019 and added to the Humanities Divisional List of Exceptional Doctoral theses).

Thaera Yousef, Women and Islam in Malaysia: Narrative and myth in the qualitative analysis of two controversial online news stories between 2014 and 2018 (completed 2020).

Ryan Tippet, Constituitive surveillance and social media (completed 2021).

6 MAs (by thesis only and coursework dissertations)

Donald Reid, Cultural citizenship and the TVNZ charter: the possibility for multicultural representation in the commercial television environment (completed 2005).

Logan Valentine, The subject of the cell phone (completed 2009).

Alison Blair, Children of the revolution: Bolan, Bowie and the carnivalesque (completed 2017).

George Elliott, Deterrence and disappearance: A Baudrillardian analysis of war and spaceflight (completed 2021).

Caroline Morrati, Contemporary tragedy in the time of cancellation: Examining parallels between cancel culture and Greek tragedy within a framework of democratic citizenry (completed 2021).

Casey Longstreth, Alt-text and accessibility content: Translating the visual to the written (completed 2022).

18 Honours Dissertations - the most recent include:

Rosa Marden, “Spaces of information: an analysis of surveillance, the supermarket and self-scan” (completed 2012).

Alastair Lynn, “News or infotainment? an analysis of the shifting ideology in New Zealand current affairs programming” (completed 2013).

Siala Farini-Tomlin, “Poster girls: an exploration of post-fordist labour practices in the HBO show, Girls” (completed 2013).

George Elliott, "Obscene & fatal transparency: War porn, Baudrillard's hyperreal & plobal post-9/11 war" (completed 2017).

Grace Fogavai, "Trust the process: Tik Tok and its transformative impact on young social media users" (completed 2021).

Rachel Tsai, "The empty promise: A poststructuralist discourse analysis of Taiwan's 12-Year basic education (completed 2023).


Nicholls, B. (2024). The communist empty signifier: The Australian League of Rights and the Voice to Parliament referendum. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2024.2441311 Journal - Research Article

Nicholls, B. (2024). The emptying empty signifier: Antagonistic discourse and the far-right Australian League of Rights. Proceedings of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference. (pp. 62). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Millar, I., Nicholls, B., Overell, R., & Tutt, D. (2024). Power and politics in Adam Curtis' Can't get you out of my head: An emotional history of the modern world. In C. Owens & S. Meehan O'Callaghan (Eds.), Psychoanalysis and the small screen: The year the cinemas closed. (pp. 163-189). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003272069-11 Chapter in Book - Research

Nicholls, B. (2023). A satanic master signifier: The prosperity preacher, the President, and the disobedient virus. Journal of Religion & Popular Culture, 35(3), 136-149. doi: 10.3138/jrpc.2021-0057 Journal - Research Article

Nicholls, B. (2023). An antagonistic history of the Australian League of Rights. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Conference: Ka mua, ka muri: Bridging communication pasts and futures. (pp. 160). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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