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Staff Jo 2

Professor Joanne Baxter

Dean of the Dunedin Medical School & Co-Director of the MHWDU

Joanne (Poutini Ngāi Tahu, Ngāi Apa ki te Rā Tō) is the Dean of the Dunedin School of Medicine and the Co-Director of the Māori Health Workforce Development Unit. Joanne is a public health medicine specialist with research interests in Māori health workforce development, Māori mental health, and Māori child and youth health.


Staff Sam Feeney

Samantha Feeney

Co-Director MHWDU

Sam is of Te Rarawa and Te Aupouri decent. She is a University of Otago graduate with a Bachelor of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Science and a Master in Teaching and Learning. Sam is very passionate about education, youth and Māori development. She enjoys working as part of an amazing team working towards Māori Health Workforce Development.

Sam manages the MHWDU team and supports the wider team across MHWDU programmes. Sam is committed to generating more equitable outcomes for Māori and students from lower socioeconomic communities in tertiary health science study and transforming the health workforce in Aotearoa.

Tel +64 27 249 8551


Ana Rangi

Staff Ana Rangi

Professional Practice Fellow / Kairuruku Ritenga Utua

Ana (Ngāti Porou, Whakatōhea, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Koata) manages the Socioeconomic Equity Project (EQ) within Health Sciences.

She spent 10 years as Divisional Kaiārahi Māori in Humanities and her professional background is in Māori development, youth transition and international student teaching and support.

Ana joined the Kōhatu team in 2019 and loves working with diverse students to support their aspirations towards health careers and making positive change in their communities.


Tina Forrester

Professional Practice Fellow / Kairuruku Ritenga UtuaStaff Tina Forrester (Flip)

Tina is of Ngāti kahungunu and Ngāpuhi descent, born and bred in Kaitangata, Balclutha area. She completed a Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) Degree and Graduate's Diploma Primary Teaching from Dunedin College of Education.

Tina returns to the Kōhatu team in 2022 and is excited to work with an amazing team to help make a difference for Māori, through strengthening and developing the Māori Health Workforce.

Tel 03 479 4887

Dr Griffin Leonard

Professional Practice Fellow / Kairuruku Ritenga UtuaStaff Griffin.2

Griffin (Te Arawa) grew up in Dunedin and completed his PhD in peace and conflict studies at the University of Otago. Following his studies, he worked as a researcher, largely at Otago Polytechnic. His work with the Polytechnic focused on student development, alumni workplace transition, as well as student and staff wellbeing. He has also worked in administrative roles within the University.

Griffin is excited to contribute to MHWDU's kaupapa and to assist tauira Māori in fulfilling their aspirations. His mahi is primarily focused on the Tū Tauira Hauora programme, while also contributing to MHWDU's other programmes.


Paretao Tipoki-Hansen

Professional Practice Fellow / Kairuruku Ritenga UtuaParetao TH

Paretao is of Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa, Te Ātihaunui-a-Paparangi, Ngāti Kauwhata and Waikato Tainui descent. She is a University of Otago graduate with a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Māori Health and has been a tauira in both the Tū Kāhika Programme and Socioeconomic Equity (EQ) Project. Paretao has a keen interest in Māori health development and environmental health.

Paretao will be supporting the delivery of the MHWDU programmes Te Whakapuawai for Māori HSFY students and the Socioeconomic Equity Project (EQ) for HSFY students from decile 1-3 secondary schools.

Email /

Paige Walker

Professional Practice Fellow / Kairuruku Ritenga Utua

Paige crop

Paige is of Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Koata descent, born and raised in the Wairau region of Te Waipounamu. She is an Auckland University of Technology graduate with a Bachelor of Health Science, majoring in Psychology and Public and Environmental Health. Paige has a long-standing interest in generating equity in healthcare, in particular, mental health care and outcomes for Māori.

Paige joined Raukaha (Māori Health Workforce Development Unit) in 2023 and will primarily be working with Māori Health Science First Year tauira in the Te Whakapuāwai programme.


Talei Anderson


Staff Talei Anderson

Talei is of Te Arawa and Tainui descent. Talei started in the Health Sciences Divisional Office and moved to Kōhatu and the MHWDU in 2019. She brings a wealth of administrative knowledge from her previous positions outside of the university. She is excited to be part of a dynamic team supporting student achievement.

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