
  • How do I find a species I know about? 
    • You need to know what class your species belongs. In the Contents frame, click on this class to open that file in the main frame. Then use your browser's "find in page" function:
      • Chrome Click the Page pagemenu 4Find in page... or Crtl+F for PCs,z F for Macs;
      • Firefox Edit 4 Find in This Page ... or Crtl+F for PCs,z F for Macs;
      • Explorer Edit 4 Find (on This Page)... or Crtl+F for PCs, z F for Macs;
      • Safari Edit 4 Find ... or Crtl+F for PCs,z F for Macs.
    • Since species names change, you may want to use just the generic name or just the species name.
  • How do I report mistakes or make suggestions? 
  • How do I interpret a checklist entry?
  • What do codes like (P1. 64) mean?
  • What do codes like A., C., F., M., An. and E. mean?
  • How many species are found in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone?