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Centre Waiata

Audio recording of the Centre Waiata, Maukaroko ki te whenua, written by Maata Wharehoka and Michelle Jackson.

The words for the waiata with a translation (PDF)

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PhD theses completed at the Centre

The list of all PhD theses completed at the Centre, with abstracts and/or full text available via the Otago University Research archive.


Read the report Truth for peace? Exploring the links between the Solomon Islands' TRC process and people's attitude towards peace, written by Dr Karen Brouneus, based on Marsden funded research undertaken while at the Centre. Dr Brouneus wrote the report during a Matariki Fellowship at the Centre in April/May 2016.

Read an article by recent PhD graduate Dr Prakash Bhattarai, entitled " The Impact of Relationship Dynamics on Third-Party Coordination: Perceptions of Third-Party Practitioners in Nepal and the Philippines" published in International Negotiation.

Read an article by Professor Richard Jackson, entitled Confessions of a Terrorist Sympathiser, written in response to the public debate on bombing ISIS, December 2015

Read an opinion piece entitled Peace Researchers Urge Caution over Bombing in Syria written by Professor Kevin Clements (NCPACS), Professor Feargal Cochrane and Professor Hugh Miall (University of Kent), December 2015.

Read Professor Kevin Clements presentation entitled "What next after Paris?" made at the Politics Open Forum at the University of Kent on Monday 23 November 2015.

Read about the Myanmar Tatmadaw (military) and the challenges to the peace process. This project was coordinated and the report written by NCPACS MA graduate Amie Kirkham.

Read Professor Kevin Clements' article "Principled Nonviolence: An imperative not an optional extra" which appeared in Asian Journal of Peacebuilding Vol.3 No.1 (2015).

Read PhD candidate Josh Wineera's article 'Training the Iraqi Army: The Sequel'. Josh is formerly an irregular warfare lecturer at Massey University.

Read Professor Henry Reynold's article in Inside Story, 'Militarisation Marches On'. Professor Reynolds presented the inaugural Archibald Baxter Memorial Lecture on 22 September 2014.

Butcher, C. and Svensson, I. (2014) Manufacturing Dissent: Modernization and the Onset of Major Nonviolent Resistance Campaigns. The Journal of Conflict Resolution

Lederach, J.P. (2014) Remembering Forward: The Visionary Practical Scholarship of Adam Curle

Oestreicher, P. (2014) The Theology and Politics of Peace.

Andrews, M., Pritchett, L., Woolcock, M. (2012). Escaping Capability Traps through Problem-Driver Iterative Adaptation (PDIA). Faculty Research Working Paper Series RWP12-036, Harvard Kennedy School.

Clements, K. P., Boege, V., Brown, A., Foley, W., & Nolan, A. (2007). State building reconsidered: The role of hybridity in the formation of political order. Political Science, 59(1), 45.

Dr Kenneth Bush, Research Affiliate of the Centre, has recently published on evaluation in conflict zones. The article, "Evaluation in Conflict Zones: Methodological and Ethical Challenges" was published under the flag of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, and was included as part of a Special Issue of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, for which Dr Bush was guest editor with Dr Colleen Duggan. The entire special issue can be downloaded here.

Professor Richard Jackson delivered the World Peace Day sermon at St Paul's Cathedral of Sunday 22 September as part of the Centre's full weekend of activities to mark this international day of peace. His sermon was entitled 'Swords into Ploughshares'.

Centre Director Professor Kevin Clements gave the graduation address on Saturday 24 May. His speech, on the transformative power of love, courage and hope, was received with acclamation.

"Localising Foreign Aid: Could localising aid help strengthen all sectors of society" is a powerpoint presentation by Alastair McKechnie of the Overseas Development Institute, made at the Centre on 18 February 2013.

Conflict and Development: Inclusive Government, Resilient Societies is a lecture delivered by Helen Clark, Administrator, UNDP, for the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict. This lecture was delivered on Monday 11 February 2013.

'Obama's second-term effectiveness questioned' outlines arguments put forward by Professor Kevin Clements and Associate Professor Richard Jackson from NCPACS and Professor Robert Patman and Professor Jim Flynn from the Department of Politics, in an open forum held on Thursday 8 November 2012,

'Change hard to effect in the US political system' is an opinion piece written by Associate Professor Richard Jackson and published in the Otago Daily Times on Wednesday 7 November.

'Does it actually matter who won the US Election?', an article in the New Zealand Herald on 5 November, presents two opposing views from Associate Professor Richard Jackson from the Centre, and Professor Robert Patman from the Department of Politics.

'Time for NZ to exit Afghanistan' by Associate Professor Richard Jackson is an argument for the immediate withdrawal of NZ troops from Afghanistan. It was published in the Otago Daily Times on Wednesday 29 August.

'Forecasting Genocide' is a recent article by Dr Charles Butcher published on the website Dr Butcher is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. He has recently been working on forecasting genocide with a team of reseachers at the University of Sydney, in the hope of being able to identify 'at risk' states thereby enabling policy-makers to focus their preventative efforts, contingency planning and political advocacy on these most dangerous of cases.

'The Community Good' is a recent report by Dr James McIlraith from the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, which examines the influence of the PNG LNG Project in the Hela Region of Papua New Guinea.

What is success in International Mediation? - a new report

'Lifelong Battler for a More Just World Left Worthy Memorial', Dominion Post, 31 Dec 2011. An obituary for Dorothy Brown, teacher and peace activist.

'Research Supervisors Honoured', Otago Daily Times, 30 Aug 2011. Dr Karen Brounéus receives the 2011 OUSA New Supervisor of the Year Award.

'World 'not safer' after US killing of Osama bin Laden', Otago Daily Times, 24 May 2011. Professors Clements, Patman, Bradstock and Dr Maryam Purvis on whether the death of bin Laden was a "turning point in building a safer world".

'How Holy Wars End: Exploring the Termination Patterns of Conflicts With Religious Dimensions in Asia', A new publication from Dr Isak Svensson and Emily Harding in Terrorism and Political Violence, 23 (2) 2011; pages 133–14.

Kevin Clement's review of New Perspectives on Liberal Peacbuilding (eds. Roland Paris and Oliver P. Richmond; Japan: United Nations University Press, 2009)in the Australian Journal of Political Science (45.4 [2010]: 730-732).

Download the abstract for "Should I Stay or Should I go? Termination as a Tactic and Norwegian Mediation in Sri Lanka" by Dr Isak Svensson, with Kristine Höglund of Uppsala University, Sweden, a discussion of problems with Norwegian peace diplomacy in Sri Lanka.

Download details for "Fallacies of the Peace Ownership Approach: Exploring Norwegian Mediation in Sri Lanka, a book chapter by Dr Isak Svensson, with Kristine Höglund, in Kristian Stokke and Jayadeva (eds), Liberal Peace in Question: Politics of State and Market Reforms in Sri Lanka (London: Anthem Press, 2011for more details).

'Community and Consent: Unarmed insurrections in Non-Democracies', European Journal of International Relations. A study by Isak Svensson and Mathilda Lindgren (Uppsala) which explores popular challenges against the state through nonviolent means.

'New Book about Jan Eliasson Launched Internationally', Uppsala University Department of Peace and Conflict Research. An announcement for the three international launches of Postdoctoral Fellow Isak Svensson's book 'The Go-Between - Jan Eliasson and the Styles of Mediation': USIP, Washington D.C.; Göteborg book fair, Sweden; and Otago University, New Zealand.

'Call to Arms on Disarmament', The Otago Daily Times, 19 Nov 2010. An article about November 2010 visitor, Swedish politician and peace campaigner Maj Britt Theorin.

'Negotiation, Not Force', The Otago Daily Times, 1 July 2010. Recent visitor Professor Herbert Wulf on the prospect of a nuclear-free Korea.

''Truth for Peace' in the Solomon Islands', Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund. A description of Dr Karen Brounéus's 2011 Marsden Fast-Start-funded project evaluating the outcomes and impacts of the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission on attitudes towards peace.

'UN Commissioner Addresses Peace and Conflict Studies Centre', Otago Daily Times, 1 Apr 2010. United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees' regional representative for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific, Richard Towle, on his visit to the Centre and refugee protection.


Professor Erica Chenoweth is interviewed by Kim Hill on Saturday 30 January, during Erica's William Evans Fellowship with the Centre Jan/Feb 2016.

Kevin Clements is interviewed on National Radio about the Archibald Baxter Memorial Trust, which was launched in September 2014, and Baxter's legacy of principled resistance. (Sunday Morning, 12 October 2014).

Karen Brouneus is interviewed on National Radio regarding her work on the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in Solomon islands and Rwanda (Monday 30 December 2013). She discusses whether true remorse, forgiveness and reconciliation are ever possible, and whether victims can be harmed by the process of seeking national peace.

'Spy Chief's Rise to Governor General Unusual', Morning Report, Radio New Zealand National, 9 Mar 2011. (Link to audio) Professor Kevin Clements comments on the appointment of New Zealand's new Governor General.

'Truth Telling', Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw, Radio New Zealand National, 24 Oct 2010. (Link to audio) Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Karen Brounéus interviewed by Chris Laidlaw about the truth and reconciliation process in Rwanda.

'Academic Says Giving Police Guns Could Spark Arms Race', Morning Report, Radio New Zealand National, 20 July 2010. (Link to audio) Professor Kevin Clements says any move to give police greater access to guns could spark a full scale arms race between the police and the criminal fraternity.

'Sanctions', Ideas, Radio New Zealand National, 6 June 2010. (Link to audio) Professor Kevin Clements contributes to a Radio New Zealand National discussion about the role of sanctions in international relations.

New Zealand Rated World's Most Peaceful Nation, Morning Report, Radio New Zealand National, 3 June 2009. (Link to audio) Professor Clements on how, when it comes to peace and harmony, it seems right here is the place to be.

'Place of Peacemaking', Sunday Morning with Chris Laidlaw, Radio New Zealand National, 31 May 2009. (Link to audio) An interview with Professor Kevin Clements, newly-appointed Director of the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Otago University.

NZ Downsizes East Timor Troop Commitment, Checkpoint, Radio New Zealand National, 19 May 2010. (Link to audio) Professor Clements on the NZ presence in East Timor: seventy-five soldiers left Christchurch for East Timor today - just over half the size of previous rotations.

'The Far Side of Revenge',Encounter, ABC Radio National, 22 Jan 2006. Transcription of an interview with Professor Kevin Clements.

'40 Years On, Nuclear Proliferation Still a Threat', ABC News, 1 July 2008. Professor Kevin Clements on why the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the world's most far-ranging arms control agreement, is under pressure as it marks its 40th birthday.


Professor Kevin Clements speaking on New Zealand gun control laws and comparisons to Australia, TVNZ, Sunday 27 July 2014.

'Reliving Traumatic Experiences May Not Be Helpful', Channel 9 Dunedin Television, 15 Sep 2010. (Link to video) Dr Karen Brounéus on truth-telling processes and the Rwandan genocide.

Professor Kevin Clements appeared as the guest on Channel 9 Dunedin Television, 4 Sep 2012 (link to video) to discuss the work of the Centre.


East Asia's Surprising Peace is a short film (view here) which profiles the research work carried out by the East Asian Peace group of experts. Their research addresses questions like Why has conflict significantly reduced in this region? and How stable is the peace? Professor Kevin Clements is a member of the EAP expert panel and the film features Professor Isak Svensson and Dr Holly Guthrey, both of whom have strong associations with the Centre.

Counterterrrorism, a documentary which looks at how the world has changed since 9/11. The film challenges the notion that terrorism is a massive security threat. It also looks at how politicians have used the 'War on Terror' ideology to justify military intervention overseas. Associate Professor Richard Jackson features in the documentary.

Podcasts 2017

View podcasts recorded in 2017.


Dr Peter Low, New momentum for abolishing nuclear weapons, presented on Tuesday 9 March 2015.


Download the NCPACS newsletters here:

Issue 1 Semester 2 2013
Issue 2 Semester 1 2014
Issue 3 Semester 2 2014
Issue 4 Semester 1 2015
Issue 5 Semester 2 2015
Issue 6 Semester 1 2016
Issue 7 Semester 2 2016
Issue 8 Semester 1 2017
Issue 9 Semester 2 2017
Issue 10 Semester 1 2018
Issue 11 Semester 2 2018

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