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Richard Jackson 2022 imageContact

Tel +64 3 471 6461



Professor Jackson is interested in supervising students with projects in the following areas:

  • pacifism, anarchism and nonviolent politics
  • civilian-based nonviolent national defence
  • nonviolent resistance movements
  • unarmed peacekeeping and civilian protection
  • critical peace research
  • critical terrorism studies


Professor Jackson's areas of research expertise and writing for publication include:

  • Pacifism and nonviolence
  • critical terrorism studies
  • the social construction of war and other forms of organised political violence
  • international conflict resolution
  • political development in the African state

Professor Richard Jackson is the Leading Thinker Chair in Peace Studies at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS). He is the founding editor and current editor-in-chief of the journal Critical Studies on Terrorism, and the series editor of the Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies book series.

He is the author and editor of 15 books and more than 100 journal articles and book chapters. Some of his recent books include: Revolutionary Nonviolence: Concepts, Cases and Controversies (Zed, 2020; co-edited with Joseph Llewellyn, Griffin Leonard, Aidan Gnoth and Tonga Karena); Encountering extremism: Theoretical issues and local challenges (Manchester University Press, 2020; co-edited with Alice Martini and Kieran Ford); Critical Terrorism Studies at Ten: Contributions, Cases and Future Challenges (Routledge, 2019; co-edited with Harmonie Toros, Lee Jarvis, Lee, and Charlotte Heath-Kelly); Contemporary Debates in Terrorism (2nd edition, Routledge, 2018; co-edited with Daniela Pisiou); The Routledge Handbook of Critical Terrorism Studies (Routledge, 2016) ; and Terrorism: A Critical Introduction (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2011; co-authored with Marie Breen Smyth, Jeroen Gunning and Lee Jarvis). His most widely cited book is Writing the War on Terrorism: Language, Politics and Counterterrorism (Manchester University Press, 2005). He is also the author of a novel entitled Confessions of a Terrorist (Zed, 2014).

He appears regularly in the media, and writes about these issues on his blog:


Jackson, R. (2022). Pacifism and peace. In O. P. Richmond & G. Visoka (Eds.), The Palgrave enclyclopedia of peace and conflict studies. (pp. 905-916). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77954-2_72 Chapter in Book - Research

Jackson, R. (2021). The revolutionary potential of pacifism [Interview]. In B. Evans & A. Parr (Eds.), Conversations on violence: An anthology. (pp. 233-242). London, UK: Pluto Press. [Contribution]. Chapter in Book - Research

Jackson, R., Llewellyn, J., Leonard, G. M., Gnoth, A., & Karena, T. (Eds.). (2020). Revolutionary nonviolence: Concepts, cases and controversies. London, UK: Zed Books, 248p. Edited Book - Research

Martini, A., Ford, K., & Jackson, R. (Eds.). (2020). Encountering extremism: Theoretical issues and local challenges. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 311p. doi: 10.7765/9781526136619 Edited Book - Research

Jackson, R. (2020). A defence of revolutionary nonviolence. In R. Jackson, J. Llewellyn, G. M. Leonard, A. Gnoth & T. Karena (Eds.), Revolutionary nonviolence: Concepts, cases and controversies. (pp. 18-41). London, UK: Zed Books. Chapter in Book - Research

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