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Biochemistry seminar: Dr Annmaree Warrender, Australian Synchrotron

Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, Staff
Event type
Seminar, Online and in person
Department of Biochemistry

Shining a light on bioscience at the Australian Synchrotron

Join us for an enlightening journey into how synchrotron light can enhance your research discoveries. The Australian synchrotron houses a suite of beamlines that generate powerful X-rays and infrared radiation, driving forward both fundamental and applied research across diverse fields including human health, agriculture, biomedicine, environmental science, food technology, and advanced materials.

This talk aims to provide an overview of state-of-the-art instrumentation and capabilities the synchrotron offers with a special focus on one of the newest beamlines for small angle solution scattering, BioSAXS. Learn how the high-flux x-ray beams can be used to study biological and chemical nanostructures including lipid nanoparticles, mRNA vaccines, protein-protein/DNA complexes, and many more.

Whether you're a seasoned researcher or new to synchrotron science, gain invaluable insights into accessing and leveraging the extraordinary resources of the Australian Synchrotron.


Zoom link for Australian Synchrotron seminar

Zoom password: bioc



Department of Biochemistry


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