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Discussion meeting/hui: Healthy and sustainable diets – research and application in a university context

Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, Staff
Event type
Seminar, Webinar

The first in this series of MNU meetings/hui is: Healthy and sustainable diets – research and application in a university context.

Population diets impact both human and planetary health.

Dr Cristina Cleghorn, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Public Health, University of Otago, will introduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions database, briefly describing the methods used in developing the database, and describe the modelling carried out in the Sustainable NZ Kai project. This talk will discuss dietary policies, alongside theoretical nationwide shifts in food intake, and the modelling used to estimate lifetime impacts on health, including ethnic health inequities between NZ’s indigenous population, Māori, and non-Māori.

Craig Cliff, Net Carbon Zero Programme Manager in the University of Otago’s Sustainability Office will then demonstrate how the work described by Dr Cleghorn is being used to calculate emissions from purchased food at Otago. This is one of the University’s top four emissions sources annually, as it caters around 3,000 students in its residential colleges as well as campus outlets and on-site catering.

The benefits of having ingredient-based emissions factors means the climate impact of menu and service choices show up in reported data, helping to reinforce practices that support personal and planetary health, and to identify opportunities for further improvements.

Zoom details

This session will run at two times to accommodate an international audience.

Wednesday, 17 July, 7pm (NZST)
Meeting ID: 942 6912 8774
Password: 678521

Thursday, 18 July, 7am (NZST)
Meeting ID: 978 4753 8867
Password: 346622



Chriss Hamilton



+64 3 479 5651

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