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Inaugural Professorial Lecture – Professor Antoni Moore

All University, Public
Event type
Inaugural professorial lecture

Mapping inner and outer worlds

Antoni Moore is a geographical information scientist (GIS) with particular interest in spatial communication through maps and other geographical visualisations. In his core research, Antoni explores diverse approaches to the challenge of displaying mapped data, so that they communicate their purpose more effectively.

These approaches may stretch conventional maps through prevalent technologies (virtual and augmented reality) or geographic theory (time geography). They may also spatially integrate representations of inner narrative worlds through popular art media (comics) or map non-geographic spaces through information visualisation (graph networks).

He also applies spatial analysis and modelling to various topics, including aspects of health, exercise, wildlife, land use and the effects of sea level rise. He is PI on the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden-funded Strand research project, working with a multidisciplinary team to study climate change-related loss of coastal property value.

Antoni is Dean of the School of Surveying and President of the New Zealand Cartographic Society.


This event will be livestreamed, from 5:25pm Thursday, 18 July 2024, at the link below:

Streaming link for Professor Antoni Moore's IPL

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Anna Poole


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