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2010 Inaugural Professorial Lectures

ProfessorLecture Details
Professor Kath Dickinson
Department of Botany

Diversity: The Spice of Life

Thursday 18 March, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Pauline Norris
School of Pharmacy

Taking Subjectivity Seriously: How can social science help address problems with medicines?

Monday 24 May, 5.30pm
Colquhoun Lecture Theatre, Dunedin Public Hospital, Great King Street

Professor Andrew Bradstock
Howard Patterson Professor of Theology and Public Issues
Department of Theology and Religion

Public Theology?" No thanks, I'll stick with the normal kind

Wednesday 2 June, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Professor Hank Weiss
Director of the Injury Prevention Research Unit (IPRU)
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine

Driving towards disaster

Wednesday 9 June, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Professor Astrid an Huef
Department of Mathematics & Statistics

How I learned to love the details

Wednesday 23 June, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Prof Jim McQuillan
Department of Chemistry

From sticky molecules to microbes: Reflections on wet surface chemistry

Thursday 22nd July, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Peter Herbison
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
Dunedin School of Medicine

Life is full of trials

Monday 26 July, 2010 5.30pm
Barnett Lecture Theatre
Dunedin Public Hospital
Great King Street

Prof Mike Colombo
Department of Psychology

Memory, Gambling, and Planning for the future: Explorations into the Mind of Another Species

Thursday 5 August, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Indrawati Oey
Department of Food Science

Does processing make your food healthier?

Wednesday 30 June, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Prof Graham Wallis
Department of Zoology

Putting the History back into Natural History

Thursday 2 September, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Mauro Farella
Department of Oral Sciences

From orthodontic braces to neurosciences

Wednesday 15 September, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Professor Kim Economides
Director, Legal Issues Centre
Faculty of Law

Measuring Law's Impact: The Future of Socio-Legal Studies in Aotearoa New Zealand

Wednesday 22 September, 5.30pm
Moot Court, 10th Floor, Richardson Building

Professor Liam McIlvanney
Stuart Professor of Scottish Studies
Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies

Imagining Scotland and the Scottish Diaspora

Wednesday 13 October, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Professor Janet Hoek
Department of Marketing

Marketing Regulation and Freedom of Choice: Some Modern Day Modest Proposals

Wednesday 20 October, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Professor Phil Bremer
Department of Food Science

Research at the Interface: Food Science, Microbiology, Marine Science

Thursday 18th November, 5.30pm
College of Education Auditorium, Union Street East

Professor Henrik Moller
Centre for Study of Agriculture, Food & Environment

Science and Mātauranga Māori: a powerful mix?

Thursday 25 November, 5.30pm
Castle 1 Lecture Theatre

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