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2012 Inaugural Professorial Lectures

ProfessorLecture Details
Professor Andrew Mercer
Robert and Marjorie Webster Chair in Viral Pathogenesis
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Viruses and us - is it all bad news?

Tuesday 28 February, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor David Lont
Department of Accountancy & Finance

The numbers game - Why accounting matters.

Tuesday 20 March, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Ken Hodge
School of Physical Education

Sport Psychology: 'It's the Thought that Counts!'

Tuesday 17 April, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Tony Ballantyne
Department of History and Art History

Knowledge and Communication in Colonial Otago

Tuesday 8 May, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Michael Hendy
Department of Mathematics

Molecular Evolution - a Mathematical Perspective

Tuesday 15 May, 5.30pm      
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Steven Stillman
Department of Economics

The Importance of Experimental Evidence for Social Science

Tuesday 22 May, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Catherine Day
Department of Biochemistry

Molecular assemblies and cell suicide – avenues for new anti-cancer compounds

Tuesday 29 May, 5.30pm
Archway Lecture Theatre

Professor Hugh Campbell
Department of Sociology, Gender and Social Work

Food: Old Rupture and New Politics

Tuesday 10 July, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Bernadette Drummond
Department of Oral Sciences

In and out of the mouths of babes

Tuesday 17 July 5:30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Struan Scott
Faculty of Law

Mistaken Payments and the Change of Position Defence: rare cases and elegance

Tuesday 7 August, 5.30pm
Moot Court, Richardson Building

Professor Ted Ruffman
Department of Psychology

Social Understanding: Development Across the Human Lifespan and in Dogs

Tuesday 14 August, 5.30 pm  
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Brain Hyland
Department of Physiology

The rewarding brain

Tuesday 21 August, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Juergen Gnoth
Associate Dean - Academic (Business School)
Department of Marketing

Strategic Destination Marketing: The Tourism Experience Model

Tuesday 28 August, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Ian McLennan
Department of Anatomy

The disadvantages of a brain

Tuesday 25 September, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Jin Zhang
Department of Accountancy & Finance

Tuesday 6 November, 5.30pm
Castle 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Jean-Claude Theis
Department of Surgical Sciences

Surgical waiting lists: are patients getting a fair go?

Tuesday 27 November, 5.30pm
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre

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