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New Zealand AI in Higher Education Symposium

$280 in person, $50 online
Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, Staff
Event type

This symposium seeks to bring together New Zealand university educators, researchers and technologists to delve into the transformative power of AI in our educational landscape.

It presents a unique opportunity for our higher education community to exchange knowledge, share practices and envision the future of AI-enhanced learning environments. It represents a pivotal opportunity for the higher education community to lead in the responsible and inventive integration of AI technologies.

We invite participants to contribute their insights, share their experiences and collaborate on shaping a future in which AI not only supports but significantly enhances higher education. Our hope is that we can generate tangible outcomes from this gathering – be it through actionable insights, forming collaborative projects or shaping policies that guide the ethical integration of AI in higher education.

Join us at this event to contribute to shaping an adaptive, inclusive and technologically advanced educational future for New Zealand's higher education sector.

Call for participation

We are pleased to invite you to submit your research to the inaugural New Zealand AI in Higher Education Symposium.

Call for participation information


  • In person – NZ$250 per person. Cost includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch and symposium dinner
  • Online – NZ$50 per person (virtual participation is available through one way broadcast)

Register for the New Zealand AI in Higher Education Symposium



Dr Russell Butson


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