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2006 Inaugural Professorial Lectures

ProfessorLecture Details
Professor Phillip Nel
Department of Political Studies
Revisiting global economic inequality: connecting the local and the international.

Thursday 27 July 2006
Professor W. Murray Thomson
Department of Oral Sciences

Dentistry: some thoughts from the left.

Thursday August 17 2006
Castle 1 Lecture Theatre

Professor Phillippa Howden-Chapman
Department of Medicine and Public Health,
Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Housing and health: the trials of a social scientist in a medical school.

Thursday August 17 2006
Ilott Theatre, Wellington.

Professor Christine Thomson
Department of Human Nutrition
Selovet to selenome: Nutritional requirements for selenium and iodine.

Thursday August 24 2006
Castle 1 Lecture Theatre
Professor Paul Trebilco
Department of Theology
"Global" and "Local" in the New Testament and in Earliest Christianity.

Thursday September 21 2006
Professor Doug Sellman
Department of Psychological Medicine,
Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Improving treatment for people with addiction problems in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Thursday September 28 2006
Professor Phillip Harris
Department of Marketing
Machiavelli, Marketing and Management: Ends and Means in Public Affairs.

Thursday October 12 2006
Professor Hamish Spencer
Department of Zoology
False Models as Means to Truer Theories.

Thursday November 2 2006
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