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Tuesday 14 April 2015 2:56pm

Dr Lynnette Jones, Centre for Translational Cancer Research (CTCR) researcher, and creator of the EXPINKT™ programme for breast cancer survivors, is supporting women who are experiencing significant waiting times for reconstructive surgery.

Dr Jones's research is in Exercise Oncology, with a specific focus on breast cancer. She has undertaken research in exercise and vascular health in survivors of breast and prostate cancer. Dr Jones established the Exercise Training Beyond Breast Cancer (EXPINKT™) programme in September 2009. This programme delivers individualised exercise prescriptions to individuals diagnosed with primary breast cancer.

Her research involves ongoing quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the EXPINKT™ programme, investigation of the impact of chemotherapy on weight gain and metabolic syndrome in women diagnosed with primary breast cancer, and the use of circuit resistance training for patients and survivors of breast cancer.

Dr Jones was interviewed about the impact of surgery delays as part of a Campbell Live story about a number of women waiting for breast reconstruction surgery.

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