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A group shot of 2025's donor-funded Entrance Scholarships

This year's donor-funded entrance scholarship recipients.

More than 50 donor-funded entrance scholarship recipients gathered at Allen Hall for official recognition of their success recently.

University Vice-Chancellor Hon Grant Robertson welcomed the new tauira, noting that he began his own studies at Otago in the first year of mandated university fees for students.

“I was grateful to receive a scholarship when I arrived at Otago, it meant a lot to me and it meant a lot to my family.”

In November, Grant announced he was funding seven entrance scholarships worth $7,000 each. This year marks the first group of tauira who will receive the award.

“In terms of my own scholarship I am very proud to have been able to support the recipients personally.”

Headshot of Portia Bell
Portia Bell

During his speech, the former Otago University Students’ Association (OUSA) President, noted Allen Hall had opened in 1914 as the first home of OUSA.

“I hope that the time you have here is as enriching and as enjoyable as I had.”

In welcoming the scholarship recipients, Deputy Vice-Chancellor External Engagement Professor Jessica Palmer explained that alumni and other donors are a vital part of the University community and their continued support is greatly appreciated.

“We are thrilled you chose to come to Otago. Many alumni like to provide entrance scholarships, as they know the benefits themselves of the education they received and the experiences they had during their time at Otago. This is a very special time for you so make the most if it,” she said.

Development and Alumni Relations Director Shelagh Murray encouraged the tauira to make contact with their benefactors when asked.

“The donors love to hear from you, they love to hear how you are doing.”

Shelagh says most donors are past staff or alumni of the University, many of whom know the benefit of receiving the support of a scholarship during their studies.

One donor was so impressed with the success of their scholarship they had increased it from two to five awards per year, she said.

Head shot of Flynn Williams
Flynn Williams

“Be responsible, be grateful and connect with your donors when asked and equally importantly enjoy your time here. Otago gives you the best student experience.”

Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship recipient Aria Horn (Te Arawa, Ngāti Rangitihi, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Porou) is living in Arana College this year and studying Health Sciences. Last year she completed high school at John Paul College in Rotorua.

“The scholarship is going towards the rest of my college fees and paying some of my tuition fees as well,” Aria says.

Uriel Martin is a 71–73 Alumni Frank Leong Entrance Scholarship: Freely Received, Freely Give (Matt 10:8) recipient, who attended Villa Maria College in Christchurch and is also studying Health Sciences. Uriel is staying in University College this year.

“It’s helped my family. I won’t have to worry about my mother working too hard and she is free to focus her energies on my younger sister rather than worrying about me,” Uriel says.

John Steele Bequest Music Scholarship recipient Portia Bell, from Christchurch, says the donor funds will be used towards course fees, accommodation costs and materials costs.

“It’s great to have this kind of support,” she says.

Headshot of Rachel Loader
Rachel Loader

Portia is living in St Margaret’s College. Last year she attended the Specialist Music Programme at Burnside College.

Flynn Williams has a Ralph and Eve Seelye Academic Scholarship that he is putting towards his accommodation fees at University College.

“It’s such a great help, my life will be so much easier, it will reduce my financial stress while studying.”

Flynn is enrolled in a BA in Film and Media Studies and is also studying English and History. Originally from Christchurch, he attended Shirley Boys’ High School last year.

Rachel Loader from Papamoa is this year’s S & G Higgs Entrance Scholarship recipient. Rachel attended Mt Maunganui College and is studying Health Sciences. She is incredibly grateful to her donors and will put the scholarship towards her accommodation costs at Te Rangihīroa College.

A wider celebration of all entrance scholarships followed in the University Link.

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