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Wednesday 7 December 2016 10:21am

Associate Professor Jeremy Krebs, EDOR member and deputy Head of Medicine at the University of Otago Wellington, has been a driving force behind the acquisition of an environmental simulation suite that can be used for obesity and diabetes research studies.

The Global Energetics and Environmental Simulation Suite (GENESIS) is an airtight room designed to simulate a range of temperatures, altitudes and humidity.  One application is to investigate if modern office environments might contribute to the rising rates of obesity observed around the world.

The GENESIS room can precisely measure a person's energy expenditure and includes a DXA scanner, which measures body composition.  Together these enable researchers to look at a range of interventions which include modification of  diet, exercise, temperature or altitude, and to measure the effect these have on energy expenditure, and therefore weight.

Read more about the Environmental Simulation Suite

Wellington's new simulation suite to aid obesity research, Otago Bulletin Board, 6 December, 2016

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