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Student Health have noticed an increase in patient presentations with flu like illnesses and confirmed influenza cases. The best protection is the influenza vaccination.

Students can get this for free from Student Health by phoning reception to book a nurse appointment. The influenza vaccination is also available at pharmacies, but charges will apply. This is also a good time to complete your meningococcal vaccinations if you have not already.

If you are unwell, you should stay away from work/university lectures/other people until you recover. If you need to go out while symptomatic, please wear a mask to prevent spread of infection.

Other things you can do:

  • get lots of rest
  • keep hydrated to replace fluids you lose because of fever and sweating
  • drink mainly water and avoid tea, coffee, and alcohol as they dry you out even more
  • sip fresh lemon juice mixed with honey and hot water or gargle salt water to soothe a sore throat or dry cough
  • eat only light food when you are hungry
  • use a damp cloth to cool your forehead and limbs
  • shower or bathe regularly and keep bedding clean and dry

Influenza is caused by a virus, so antibiotics do not help. Taking simple analgesia such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can help relieve fever, body aches and headache. Lozenges or gargles may ease symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, and cough. These medications are available at supermarkets and pharmacies and do not require a prescription.

People should seek help if they have any of the following symptoms:

  • a high fever that doesn’t come down, especially if you are pregnant
  • chills or severe shaking
  • difficulty breathing or chest pain
  • purple or bluish discolouration of lips, skin, fingers, or toes
  • seizures or convulsions
  • signs of other serious conditions, such as meningococcal disease
  • signs of dehydration such as dizziness when standing, and not passing wee/mimi regularly

If you are concerned, you can ring Healthline for advice, or contact Student Health.

Free phone 0800 611 116

Student Health
Free phone 0800 479 821

Out of hours students will need to contact Healthline for advice or attend Urgent Doctors or the emergency department.

Further information about the flu

Visit the Healthify website

The flu vaccine is supplied FREE by Student Health Services - Please book at reception. For more info please see or your doctor or healthcare provider.

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