Professor Elaine Reese and Dr Amanda Clifford (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha), of the Department of Psychology, are thrilled their project Kia Tīmata Pai (Best Start study) has received $3 million from Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund. The study aims to measure the later impact of enriched oral language – in English and te reo Māori – and self-regulation programmes in early learning settings.
An early childhood programme designed to set children up for academic achievement and future wellbeing has received a $3 million funding boost from Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund.
Kia Tīmata Pai (Best Start study) is an interdisciplinary study co-led by Professor Elaine Reese of the University of Otago – Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, Professor Justin O’Sullivan of Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland, and Professor Vincent Reid of Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato University of Waikato. It aims to measure the later impact of enriched oral language – in English and te reo Māori – and self-regulation programmes in early learning settings.
Co-leader Professor Elaine Reese, of Otago’s Department of Psychology, says it is important for young children to develop oral language skills and self-regulation skills, such as the ability to control thoughts, feelings, and actions.
“Both oral language and self-regulation skills are essential for academic achievement and future wellbeing. With concerns about recent dramatic declines in children’s reading and mathematics achievement, it is vital to understand how to better support children’s learning and engagement in school,” she says.
Kia Tīmata Pai follows more than 1,600 children, their families and teachers, and includes 19 researchers and practitioners from six countries and 11 universities*, working with three community partners – BestStart Educare, Methodist Mission Southern, and the National Library of New Zealand.
The longitudinal study started in 2021 when participants were 1.5 years old with initial funding from the Wright Family Foundation. The Marsden funding will enable the researchers to follow the cohort into the early years of primary school.
“The Council award means we can now expand the study to test the effects of the enriched programmes for children’s reading, mathematics, and self-regulation at ages 6 and 7.
“We hope to show later benefits of early enrichment for children’s academic skills and engagement. These early years in primary school set the stage for the rest of children’s academic experiences and well-being.
“Studying children in the critical primary school years will uncover the social, cognitive, and biological basis of self-regulation and academic achievement – and ways to optimise it,” Professor Reese says.
The researchers also intend to draw upon the findings from the study’s brain development sub-study at Auckland’s Liggins Institute to understand how children respond to the enrichment at the neurophysiological level.
“The study makes it possible to discover evidence-based ways of helping children’s learning and behaviour from a young age, fostering a healthy start to school for this generation of Aotearoa New Zealanders.
“We hope the findings will inform new strategies for teachers and policymakers, transforming educational programs locally and globally.”
Professor Reese says the team is “absolutely thrilled” to receive the funding.
“We are grateful to the Royal Society Te Apārangi for enabling us to carry out this important mahi. We also hope to honour the legacy of Richie Poulton, who began Kia Tīmata Pai and who is always in our hearts and minds as we continue.”
The study is one of 23 University of Otago projects to receive more than $19 million in Marsden grants for 2024.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise Professor Richard Blaikie is delighted with the number and range of projects from across Otago’s divisions that have received funding this year, the 30th anniversary of the Marsden Fund.
“Each project will play an important role in helping us better understand the world around us. I congratulate each of the recipients and their teams – we look forward with interest to following their studies and seeing the outcomes.”
* The research team includes researchers and practitioners from New Zealand, Australia, US, China, Singapore, Denmark; the universities involved are University of Otago, University of Waikato, University of Auckland, Victoria University Wellington, Macquarie University, Harvard University, Temple University, University of Minnesota, Peking University, National University of Singapore, and University of Aarhus.
Otago Marsden grant recipients
Council Award
Professor Elaine Reese, Psychology, $3,000,000
Testing whether we can foster children's self-regulation and academic skills using Kia Tīmata Pai (Best Start)
Clockwise from top left, Elaine Reese, Angela Wanhalla, Matthew McNeil and Claire Macindoe.
It is important for young children to learn self-regulation skills such as the ability to control thoughts, feelings, and actions. These skills are essential for academic achievement and future wellbeing. This study follows over 1,400 children who participated in a program that taught self- regulation skills at primary school. It aims to reveal connections between brain development, language learning, math abilities, and emotional control. The findings will inform new strategies for teachers and policymakers, transforming educational programs locally and globally.
Standard grants
Professor Angela Wanhalla and Dr Claire Macindoe, History, $660,000
Kia Hauora Anō: the first historical study on the nature and impact of war wounds and disease on Māori veterans of WWII
The Māori Battalion suffered disproportionate casualties in World War II. Yet, we know little about the medical care they received and how war impacted injured veterans’ lives. The Kia Hauora Anō project will study how wounds, diseases, and medical treatment shaped Māori servicemen lives post-World War II. This knowledge will inform historical questions of equity and Māori self-determination.
Dr Matthew McNeil, Microbiology & Immunology, $941,000
Understanding the role of efflux pumps in the evolution of untreatable multi-drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Tuberculosis-causing bacteria are growing resistant to antibiotics at an alarming rate. This project investigates the role of a specific protein, MmpSL5, in spreading antibiotic resistance within these bacteria. By understanding how MmpSL5 works, new treatments to antibiotic resistant tuberculosis-causing bacteria may be found.
Professor Julia Horsfield, Pathology,$941,000
Investigating how cohesin organises DNA in neurons and the impact of cohesin deficiency on brain function
Clockwise from top left, Julia Horsfield, Allan Gamble, Jessica Fairhall and Sally McCormick.
The way DNA is packaged in brain cells is crucial for normal brain function. When this process goes wrong, it can lead to complications resulting in epilepsy and intellectual disability. This research will look at how disruptions to the DNA ‘packaging’ alters individual brain cells and their wider connections. It ultimately aims to uncover new insights into neurodevelopmental disorders and develop more effective treatments.
Associate Professor Allan Gamble and Dr Jessica Fairhall, Pharmacy, $941,000
A new, milder way to guide toxic drugs to cancer cells
Most cancer drugs are toxic, hurting both healthy tissues as well as cancer cells. But what if we could safely release them to only the cancer cells? This research project aims to develop “ultra-stable linkers” that can deliver toxic cancer drugs directly to cancer cells. The team will use a synthetic strategy called "click-to-trap chemistry " to do this. The project has the potential to revolutionise cancer therapy by improving treatment outcomes and reduce side effects for patients with cancer.
Professor Sally McCormick, Biochemistry, $941,000
Unravelling the link between depression and heart disease by examining serotonin and Lp(a) catabolism
Often medications have additional effects on our body. Recently researchers have discovered that certain antidepressants increase the liver's ability to remove "bad " cholesterol linked to heart disease. This project investigates how antidepressants can change cholesterol levels in our blood. Overall, the research could lead to more targeted therapies that reduce the risk of both depression and heart disease.
Dr Joon Kim, Physiology, $940,000
Revealing how the brain becomes desensitised to stressful experiences
Clockwise from top left, Joon Kim, Sian Halcrow, Jenny Clarkson and Rosie Brown.
A challenging experience, like giving a public talk for the first time, typically causes stress. As we repeatedly encounter this challenge, our stress gradually disappears. This study aims to identify brain mechanisms that allow us to feel less stressed when faced with previously overcome challenges. By using cutting-edge molecular and imaging technologies, this research will identify brain structures and chemicals that let us face difficulties and unwarranted stress.
Professor Sian Halcrow, Anatomy, $853,000
The bioethics of use, curation, and repatriation of anatomical skeletons in Aotearoa
This study aims to assess the bioethical and cultural perspectives on historical anatomical skeletal collections. By conducting the first systematic assessment of human remains held in educational institutions across Aotearoa, we will explore respectful pathways for their ongoing care and management. Guided by a Te Tiriti o Waitangi-centric approach, this project will contribute to the global conversation on the ethical and cultural issues surrounding such collections and help inform international best practices.
Dr Jenny Clarkson, Physiology ,$941,000
Identifying the mechanism that coordinates menopausal hot flushes and sleep disturbance
Hot flushes are overwhelming for many people going through menopause. Often hot flushes cause sleep disturbances, leading to numerous adverse mental and physical effects downstream. This study aims to understand the link between hot flushes and night-time awakening. They will focus on serotonin, a key brain chemical that regulates sleep and waking. They will also monitor how changes in body temperature alter the number of sleep disturbances seen. This research could lead to innovative treatments that improve quality of life for millions of people experiencing menopause worldwide.
Dr Rosie Brown, Physiology, $941,000
How maternal hormones affect the olfactory system and parental behaviour
New mums change their behaviour in various ways to ensure their babies thrive. These changes are triggered by smell, but we don't know exactly how this happens inside the brain. This research will use cutting-edge technologies to uncover how the pregnancy hormone, prolactin, alters smell processing in mouse brains. It will also investigate if activating hormone-sensitive brain cells can change the caregiving abilities of mice unable to smell. This research will lead the way in developing a therapy to help with conditions where maternal care is impaired.
Dr Mei Peng, Food Science, $853,000
Unravelling how the brain recreates multisensory phenomena to better understand maladaptive eating behaviour
Clockwise from top left, Mei Ping, Niels Kjaergaard, Mathew Chilcott and Nina Dickerhof.
Many of us are familiar with ‘the mind’s eye’ - creating a mental image of something without seeing it. We still don’t know much about how the brain accomplishes this, especially when other senses like smell or taste are used also. This project will use a cutting-edge neuroimaging set-up to investigate how different people generate multisensory images of food. This research will improve our understanding of how food imagery motivates eating behaviours. It might also give new ways to treat eating disorders, an increasing problem in modern society.
Professor Niels Kjaergaard and Dr Matthew Chilcott, Physics, $941,000
Modifying the transmission of light through quantum-controlled light scattering
Quantum technologies harness the smallest things like light and atomic particles to do work. Their economic and social potential is transformative but more fundamental science is needed. This project will investigate how light particles interact with two differing camps of atoms. It will also study interactions between the two differing light particles, producing the quantum analogue of electronic transistors. Ultimately, this work will bring us closer to unlocking quantum technologies and their broader societal benefits.
Dr Nina Dickerhof, Pathology and Biomedical Science (UOC),$941,000
How does streptococcus pneumonaie, the main cause of community acquired pneumonia and meningitis in children and the elderly, acquire a critical antioxidant from its host to survive at infection sites?
The bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae, responsible for pneumonia, is a major cause of death worldwide. This research looks at how Streptococcus pneumoniae uses an antioxidant called glutathione to protect itself against our immune system. Understanding the molecular details of this could lead to the development of new treatments for pneumonia.
Associate Professor Harald Schwefel and Dr Nicholas Lambert, Physics, $941,000
Exceptional control of quantum states: non-Hermitan physics and magnon-polaristons near exceptional points
Clockwise fom left, Harald Schwefel, Christoph Goebl, Michael Taylor and Silke Neumann.
The signals in quantum computing are so fragile that even reading and processing can corrupt them. This project will develop an innovative device that makes these signals more robust, unlocking new ways to manipulate quantum states. The breakthrough could lead to significant advancements in practical quantum devices and unleash new approaches for computing and communications.
Dr Christoph Goebl, Pathology and Biomedical Science (UOC), $941,000
The mechanical and biological significance of a reversible switch that controls protein function in cell division regulation
This project explores how proteins can change shape in response to changes within cells. Specifically, researchers are investigating the ‘p16’ protein family that plays crucial roles in regulating cell division and ageing. By studying how these proteins switch between different shapes under various conditions, this project hopes to gain new insights into cancer biology, ageing processes, and cell signalling pathways. An improved understanding of fundamental cellular processes may in turn lead to improved therapies.
Dr Michael Taylor, Physics,$942,000
Improving the technology used to measure abnormal stiffness in cells by using sculpted light at a microscopic scale
Determining how stiff cells are at the microscopic level is crucial for understanding cell growth, health, and function. Doing this in practice, though, is difficult. This research project aims to improve upon a cutting-edge technique called Brillouin microscopy. By improving Brillouin microscopy’s speed and accuracy, fundamental questions about cells, like cell stiffness, may be answerable. If successful, breakthroughs in tissue engineering, disease diagnosis, and new medical technologies are possible.
Fast Start Grants – $360,000
Dr Silke Neumann, Pathology
The molecular mechanisms driving gastric cancer survival rates: understanding the role of nuclear immunoproteasomes
Diffuse and intestinal gastric cancers are treated in similar ways despite being distinct. Patients with diffuse gastric cancer do not respond to treatment as well as patients with intestinal gastric cancer and have lower survival rates. Currently, we don't understand the cause of these different responses to treatment. This research will uncover a crucial mechanism behind their differing effects on patient survival, ultimately generating new knowledge around gastric cancer and identifying new avenues for its treatment.
Dr Sarah Inwood, Biochemistry
Using recent genomic advances to investigate why biocontrol of parasitic wasps is declining over time
Clockwise from top left, Sarah Inwood, Janice Chew-Harris, Kaj Kamstra and Xun Xiao.
Parasitic wasps were introduced to Aotearoa New Zealand to control a destructive pest - the Argentine stem weevil. However, this control system has stopped working. This research team recently discovered a new virus that infects the parasitic wasps and may be related to the loss of pest control. Using historical wasp samples and living wasps, they will reconstruct the spread of this virus and work out how it affects wasp behaviour. This research could help restore control over the pest weevil and improve environmentally-friendly, sustainable biological control programmes.
Dr Janice Chew-Harris, Medicine (UOC)
Preserving and repairing heart function with suPAR after a heart attack
Heart attacks are a very common cause of death in Aotearoa New Zealand. During a heart attack, heart cells are damaged by sudden changes in blood flow. This project will study how a protein called suPAR protects damaged heart cells and reduces further injury. It ultimately could unlock new treatment approaches, improving survival rates and the quality of life following a heart attack.
Dr Kaj Kamstra, Anatomy
Understanding how the brain governs sex change in fish: why can the NZ spotty wrasse change sex while other species can't?
The spotty wrasse ('spotty') is a native species that is well-known to fishermen. What is less well-known is how it performs an intriguing biological transformation. In adulthood, female fish can transform into males when the single dominant male in a group is absent. This research will study the brains and hormones of these fish to determine what underlies this intriguing change. The project ultimately will increase our understanding of the neural and molecular basis of reproductive biology and sex determination.
Dr Xun Xiao, Statistics
Statistical methods for mitigating uncertainty in complex networks of infrastructure assets
Infrastructure assets like power grids and transportation networks require careful maintenance to prevent break downs. Despite having lots of data on such networks predicting when and where breakdowns happen is challenging. This project will develop new statistical methods to interpret data and propose optimal repair and maintenance strategies. As infrastructure maintenance is a very costly business the new methods developed here could yield significant financial savings nationally and globally.
Dr Max Yavitt, Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Medicine (UOC)
Understanding how cells generate large-scale tissues
Max Yavitt, left, and Florian Sedlmeir.
Understanding how tissues grow and work together is important for studying diseases like cancer and developing better treatments. Current technology can create small patches of tissue, but it’s not well understood how tissues grow together to form larger, fully functional organs. This project aims to develop new techniques that will allow researchers to study tissue assembly to the size of real organs. By understanding how tissues grow, this project will contribute to creating more accurate models for more effective treatments.
Dr Florian Sedlmeir, Physics
Using frequency-comb spectroscopy to transform an optical spectrum into the digital domain in near real-time
UV spectrometers, used to detect UV light, are bulky, expensive, and lack the resolution to study certain sample types. This research project aims to create an ultra-high precision UV light source from low-cost equipment. It will do this by creating highly precise “frequency combs” of light in the UV spectrum. This breakthrough has potential applications to revolutionise fields such as quantum science, medicine, and environmental monitoring.