Welcome to the Spring 2023 issue of He Kete Kōrero, with the latest news from the Wellington campus.
In the October issue we herald the academic staff acknowledged in this year’s Otago Research Awards, including Poutoko Taiea Sesquicentennial Distinguished Professor Philippa Howden-Chapman, who was awarded the University’s top honour, the Distinguished Research Medal.
We outline the new research studies which have been awarded Health Research Council and Heart Foundation funding, including projects to improve cancer care for Māori, to make a better life for those living with disabilities and to find better pathways to community re-entry for mokopuna who have been incarcerated.
The Spring issue gives us the opportunity to acknowledge our medical, physiotherapy and radiation therapy students who are about to enter the New Zealand health workforce. We look forward to celebrating their achievements at our annual Hui Whakanui Tauira Awards event.
We also bid farewell to long-standing Public Health administrator Kerry Hurley, who has left her role with the Wellington campus after almost 20 years.