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AI and Medicinal Cannabis

Otago Science Communication Science students present this RNZ Summer Science episode delving into AI and medicinal cannabis.

The Unlikely Urban Planners

What would a city designed entirely by children look like? And what could it tell us about the cities we live in now – the good things and the bad? Otago School of Geography Te Iho Whenua Associate Professor Christina Ergler's research into pre-school aged children and the urban environment has some surprising insights for the experts (and the adults) who make the big decisions about our cities, as well as some instructive lessons in better listening.  This podcast is #5 in the CityChangers urban planning podcast.

Listen here
14 min 20 sec

Drug-resistant Superbugs with Professor Greg Cook

Alumna Dr Anna Campbell interviews University of Otago microbiologist, Distinguished Professor Greg Cook, about his research on new angles to combat bacterial pathogens in humans, and treat and prevent disease in food and animals.  Professor Cook works to develop new, effective drugs that address issues of antimicrobial resistance.
52 min 13 sec
Listen here

Music professor hands over the baton

Emeritus Professor Peter Adams discusses his colourful musical career and inspirations with RNZ Concert's Bryan Crump, to mark his retirement.

Listen here  Music professor hands over the baton | RNZ
30 mins

Otago Chronicles podcast - The Grey Area

In this Otago Chronicles episode, Dr Neil Pickering from the Bioethics Centre takes two simple scenarios of medical decision-making, and then sends it all into uncertainty, as he looks at the grey area in between.

Listen here min 5 sec

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