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Science Notes: Poisoning with Arsenic

The Science Notes Podcast, brought to you by the Science Division and hosted by Dr Dave McMorran. In this episode  Dave discusses his research in one of his favorite chemical elements – Arsenic.  Science Notes podcasts are brought to us by Otago Access Radio – 105.4 FM.

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Otago archaeology students digging into Spain's ancient Roman history

University students and graduates excavated a two-thousand-year old archaeological dig site in Merida, Spain. Their finds from the ancient Roman colony included a bone die used for gaming, a carved bone hairpin, as well as some pottery pieces. Dr Dan Osland from Otago's Classics programme led the expedition, and he speaks to Todd Zaner on RNZ.

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Saffrony Podcast -  Snacking for adults

Alumnus Amir Amini’s new podcast series Saffrony Podcast shares the knowledge and experience he gained during his academic journey from bachelor's degree to PhD in Food Science. In this episode he interviews Dr Sara Styles from the Department of Human Nutrition, to discuss snacking – and the psychology of snacking.  Amir’s podcast is bilingual, predominantly in English, with some Irani language interspersed in his episodes.

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Doctor Jones and the Calcium of Doom

In Professor Peter Jones’ Inaugural Professorial Lecture, he discusses his research on calcium in the body. Pete’s research looks at how calcium controls the function of cardiac cells and neurons. Specifically, he aims to understand how changes in calcium signalling leads to arrhythmias, heart failure, seizures, and Alzheimer’s disease. Pete does this by utilising state-of-the-art microscopy to image individual proteins within cells to observe when, and how, they release calcium. Pete has a passion for engaging with the community via HeartOtago and his role as a board member of the New Zealand International Science Festival. His research is funded by the Health Research Council, Royal Society Marsden Fund, the Heart Foundation, and the Neurological Foundation.

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Sticking it to Cancer

Professor Parry Guilford and PhD Candidate Jordon Lima appear in this Sticking it to Cancer podcast, created by the Healthier Lives – He Oranga Hauora National Science Challenge. Professor Guilford is the Director of the Centre for Translational Cancer Research.
The jargon-free chat, presented by Jenny-May Clarkson, explains what precision medicine is and how a revolutionary new technology is changing the game for cancer care with a simple blood test.

Links to the Spotify and Apple podcasts are here

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