Professor Jim Mann will be speaking at the Sugar Reduction Summit at London's Royal Society.
The Sugar Reduction Summit is the only event to provide a neutral and balanced platform for policy makers and key stakeholders within the health, scientific and food industries to come together and explore evidence-based research on the impact of sugar in our diets and debate whether sugar reduction should be a health priority. The Summit will explore the effectiveness of current initiatives and consider the practicalities of additional interventions in achieving reductions in sugar consumption.
Professor Mann is one of a number of illustrious presenters attending this summit. He will be addressing key topics on:
- Should sugar reduction be a health priority?
- Panel debate: Who's responsible: consumers, industry or government? What are the practical steps to reducing sugar consumption?
- Sugar and disease – what do we know? Separating correlation from causality
Sugar Reduction Summit Royal Society, London, 9 July 2014
Sugar & disease: A sixty year saga Read Professor Jim Mann's powerpoint presentation (PDF 4MB)
Update from Jim
"At the Sugar Summit yesterday the bottom-line advice was: to reduce sugar intake, avoid any sugar sweetened beverages and radically limit cakes, biscuits, chocolates and other confectionary products. One shouldn't worry too much about the amount of sugar in bread though..."
Tips to reduce sugar read Jim's shopping and cooking advice