Heading up the Graduate Research School are (from left) Dr Robin Quigg, Professor Rachel Spronken-Smith, and Claire Gallop. Photo: Sharron Bennett.
The services department became a School last year and has now taken the opportunity provided by staff changes to restructure.
Chris Stoddart, formerly the Manager of the School's Doctoral and Scholarships Office, has moved to Academic Services, where he is the Manager, Policy and Compliance.
Graduate Research School Dean Professor Rachel Spronken-Smith says Mr Stoddart has been replaced by Dr Robin Quigg, in the newly created role of Scholarships Manager.
School Manager, Claire Gallop, will now oversee the Doctoral Office as well as manage the School, and will deputise for the Dean in her absence, Professor Spronken-Smith says.
The Graduate Research School is responsible for all University scholarships and awards, looks after graduate research students, administers the doctoral programme, and conducts training both for research students and their supervisors.
In other staff changes, another doctoral administrator – Sarah McGregor – recently joined Tina Shaw and Andy McCready in the Doctoral Office, and Lisa Beckingsale will be taking over from Sam Dolan (financial aspects of scholarships) in late June in the School's Scholarship Office, working alongside Rebecca Guest (postgraduate scholarship enquiries and NZAID scholarship administrator), Mel Adams (GPA conversions, postgraduate scholarship enquiries and Universities NZ scholarships), and Leane Turnbull (undergraduate prizes and scholarships).
The School is also farewelling Anaru Eketone, who has fulfilled the half-time role of Māori Postgraduate Support Adviser over the past three years. With support from the MAI ki programme, he has held regular hui, run writing retreats and provided on-one-one advice for Māori postgraduates. The School hopes to advertise soon for a replacement for Mr Eketone.
The School's team is rounded out by Personal Performance and Development Coach Brian Johnston, and administration support from Susan Craig (Executive Assistant) and Katherine van der Vliet (Graduate Research Administrator).
“We are still settling our new team members into their roles,” Professor Spronken-Smith says.
“However, we believe this new structure will stand us in good stead and allow us to offer an improved service to the University.”