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Friday 18 September 2020 9:55am

Lecture Hot Picks banner

Be entertained and feed your mind with our Lecture Hot Picks. You can relax in the comfort of your own home and learn at your leisure, either listening to audio or watching videos of Otago's leading academics.

The Origins of You: How Childhood Shapes Later Life

In his new book, The Origins of You: How Childhood Shapes Later Life, University of Otago Professor Richie Poulton and his co-authors set out their search to learn how much our origins shape our later lives.

Professor Poulton, who is the leader of the internationally recognised Dunedin Study, spoke to RNZ's Sunday Morning about how childhood experiences impact on our lives and how we often retain 'brand loyalty' to defining childhood characteristics throughout the years.

Listen here:

Breastfeeding hormone makes new fathers better dads

A major new study out of the University of Otago shows fathers of newborn babies can be forgiven for feeling a little hormonal.

Listen to the RNZ interview with Dr Kristina Smiley here:

W. D. Trotter Anatomy Museum virtual reality exhibition opens

The W.D. Trotter Anatomy museum at the University of Otago is New Zealand's oldest and biggest anatomy museum. A virtual reality exhibition is now being opened as part of a research project.

Listen to the RNZ interview here:

Dying for an iPhone: book review and discussion

Otago's Political economist and historian Associate Professor Brian Roper discusses the politics and harsh realities lurking behind our technology.  He discusses the book Dying for an iPhone, by Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai.

Listen to the RNZ interview here:

Death in the pot: A history of food adulteration and poisoning

Surgeon and historian Professor Terence Doyle discusses poisoning in this History of Medicine Lecture:

John Halliday Scott

Professor Allan B Maclean discusses why John Halliday Scott departed Edinburgh (and his position as Demonstrator in one of the greatest Departments of Anatomy in the World), to go to Dunedin, New Zealand in 1877.  A History of Medicine Lecture.

Drugs, crime and other sensational stories from a career in research

Professor Joseph Boden talks about his childhood, family and early interests, and how these influenced his career. He then discusses his research in substance use and aggression/violent offending.

The politics of compassion in a world of ruthless power – the 2016 Archibald Baxter Memorial Lecture

Professor Kevin Clements presents the lecture in honour of Archibald Baxter, a renowned pacifist who refused to don a uniform or take up weapons to fight in World War 1, for which he was tortured.


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