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Friday 7 July 2023 3:44pm

The University of Otago has once again topped the key Government indicators that measure the educational performance of students at New Zealand's universities.

Released today by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), the annual Educational Performance Indicators (EPIs) examine course and qualification completion rates, retention rates and progression to higher levels of study at a range of tertiary and training organisations.

According to these measures, Otago ranked a clear first among universities for overall student qualification completion, course completion, first year retention, and progression.

Assessing performance over 2022, this being the most recent complete academic year, this excellent result follows Otago topping three out of four measures in 2021 and 2020, and taking a clean sweep across all four in 2019.

Otago also ranked first in this latest round for both Māori and Pacific student qualification completions, second for Māori and Pacific student retention, second for Māori course completion, and third for Māori and Pacific progression and for Pacific student course completion.

Otago's acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Phil Bremer, welcomed the University's strong performance in the latest indicators.

“The recent years of COVID-19 disruption have been challenging for our students and staff alike, and it is heartening to see Otago is continuing to lead the way amongst all New Zealand universities for student performance.

“It's a reflection of the dedication of our staff and the hard work our students have put into their studies.

“The timing of this news is especially fitting, as our undergraduate students are about to return to study after the break between semesters.”

Otago's showing across the latest TEC performance measures:

  • Course completion rate (88 per cent)
  • First-year retention rate, from 2021 to 2022 (83 per cent)
  • Qualification completion rate (74 per cent)
  • Student progression from sub-degree study (93 per cent)

View the full results

For more information please contact

Jessica Wilson
Adviser Media Engagement
University of Otago
Mob +64 21 279 501

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