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Monday 4 February 2019 12:20pm

Special Topic: One Health PUBH 740 (distance taught)

Dr Jakob Zinsstag-Klopfenstein will be presenting this special course, available only in 2019.

15 points | Term 1 (25 Feb–12 Apr 2019) Prerequisites: Completed undergraduate degree in any discipline

One Health is an emerging approach to understanding health issues by bringing together human, animal, and ecosystem health perspectives. This paper offers the ability to learn from Professor Jakob Zinsstag-Klopfenstein, a world expert in One Health, and will focus on the relationships between human, animal and ecosystem factors and their relationships with infectious disease.

  • Explore the theoretical foundations of One Health.
  • Receive an introduction to both quantitative and qualitative One Health methods.
  • Review and evaluate One Health methods for the control of health issues at the animal-human interface.

A one-time only offering, this paper will run during the first term of the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (DPH) timetable; 25 February – 12 April 2019, with a compulsory videoconference and discussion on Friday afternoons, scheduled for 1:30pm - 3:30pm.

For further information about this paper, or about the enrolment process see or
or contact Tel +64 3 479 7202 Email

In case you weren't aware, Prof Zinsstag-Klopfenstein presented the 2014 McKinlay Oration'One Health—the added value of closer cooperation of human and veterinary medicine' (MP4)

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